Former attorney general Al Gonzales, who
was forced to resign last years, can't find a job....He's put out inquiries but hasn't found any takers..He left office in August with his hat in hand and ass in a sling. He was up to his ass in alligators after being involved in the dismissal of several federal prosecutors and the truthfulness of his testimony about a secret eavesdropping program. He hasn't had a full time job since he was booted out of office..His only income has been from giving a few talks at colleges and before private business groups.. He's still being investigated by the the Office of the Inspector Genera
l of the Justice Department. fucking hoo....what goes around ....comes around...see what happens when you let ass kissing become your primary focus...not to mention being a fucking liar..ahh, life is good..
I love it when Karma slaps people in the face.
Yeah. What Sage said!
Why can't he just join all the other ambulance chasing lawyers?
I'd still like to see him doing a perp walk, but being unemployed is a good start.
What does that fucker want from us, our support, a few tears?
I love the old saying "You reap what you sow".
I think that Alberto should be given a job doing hard manual labor in an orange jumpsuit. I doubt that he can be trusted to do anything else.
something tell me that old alberto ain't gonna miss any meals.
He'll probably wind up on the same dole as John "Save Us from the Indecency of Bare-Breasted Statues" Ashcroft.
sage and bg:yeah, karma rocks..
jan:to atone for his sins he should do nothing but pro bono work..
nan:the perp walk..that would be terrific..
mimi:he's going to be reaping for a looong time.
woozie:my sentaments exactly.
bt:i think he'd look lovely in orange..
bp:yeah, he's still making money giving speaches..wonder who would pay him?...
josh:if only..
I was gonna say: who the hell would pay to have him speak?!?!?!?
HA!..You said ass in a 'Sling'..
Suddenly,everything makes sense.
I read an article in the paper and it was one of the bright spots of my week! It's good to finally see some of these bastards get theirs....
sling:ass in a sling...that's gonna be haard to do..hahaha
elizabeth:yeah, it made my day..
Well, he sure do look like one scurvy politician. I never could abide that sort. Keelhaul the lot o' em, I say!
The thing is that I can't think of anyone who would want him representing them. He's proved that he aint so good.
The people who pay him are the ones he helped get rich and get away with high crimes and misdemeanors.
I can't believe he has lost that Latino work ethic and he's the son of an immigrant which he will remind you of at the drop of a hat.
He quit so he can't get unemployment either.
I don't want to see him in jail. Then we would be paying to support him again. I would much rather see him a broken homeless wino.
He can mow my lawn!
Now, usually I have a soft-spot in my heart for lawyers who can't find work in their field, having been in that boat myself for the past 7 years ever since this wonderful Administration screwed everything up after 9/11...
However, in this man's case, I have NONE. Maybe he could get a job at the mall or go do temp work like the rest of us. I agree: BOO F@CKING HOO! He never should have sold his soul to the devil and his puppet.
Yeah, I'm sure he's really suffering. Not.
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