Cheryl and Dennis with Merle. Dennis is one of my favorite people in the entire world. If you looked up "doesn't give a shit" in the dictionary..his face would be there.(next to mine)

Dennis, Andy, Clyde, Patsy, Patsy, Patsy and Debbie.

The Rodarte Girls..Sonya and Theresa...with their Aunt. The last time I saw the girls Sonya on the left was in diapers. They are 2 of Julio's kids. He and Dawn(step-mom) did a wonderful job raising them.

Jim Favors and his girlfriend who's name I can never remember. Jim used to own Strickly Country(he named it) before T. J. and Merle bought it.

The guy on the left is Kathy Favor's Camp's husband. He made the cheese dip which was killer. Had 1 pound ground beef, 1 pound sausage a block of Velveeta, can of celery soup, can of cream of chicken soup, and fuck I forgot the rest..Will have to get it again..anyhow it was fucking fantastic.

Merle, Patsy PP..Debbie and her boyfriend. All my women friends are smart..no second marriages for them.

The 'tank'...has bass, catfish and something else in it, but they weren't biting and that girl stood out there for 3 hours bound and determined to catch a fish.

Kathy's older sister Judy and her granddaughter by Larry Joe..Every time I tried to take her picture she would turn her back on me..

Two tables full of all the fixings for hamburgers, sausage, hot dogs, chips dips my green beans, pinto beans and corn bread.

The women getting together for a gossip fest.
The mother of the 2 fishing girls dropped her cell phone in the tank and Larry Joe spend 30 minutes with a net trying to fish it out. He's such a great kid.

Finally got her to pose.

The boys..bullshitting and enjoying the food.

This is the front part of Merle's place. The tank is to the right..behind the house is a covered patio and covered parking and the rest of the yard.
Plus right off to the left of my truck is the work room where T.J. and Merle made shadow figures ...6 feet tall cowboys, cowgirls etc.

Merle resting before the crowd got there. By the time the rain came and chased us all home he was feeling pretty good..Dawn was making Pina Colada's..and Merle loves him some Pina Colada's..

My other best buddy...Julio before the people started showing up.
It was a great day..great friends, great food and good times were had by all. happy birthday my friend.
and ...happy 2,000 post anniversary to me..ha
happy anniversary...glad i found your blog
Happy anniversary. I thought for a while they were all honoring your achievement.
Looks like a real good time. Your new camera takes great photos. Very nice "Dick U" t-shirt, YDG, you cheeky bugger. And man, that Clyde is a tall, tall dude!
2000 posts! Congrats -- the rest of us have a lot of catching up to do!
twain:me too.
jan:they sorta know i have a blog but most of them dont know what it is or means and could give a shit..you guys get everything second hand..they get it all first hand..ha..
Debrah:i made a comment to the rodarte girls that i was disappointed that no one said anything about my tshirt...she said what it's a duke tshirt..haha..i said read it again goofy..and she went ...uh..OH SHIT..DICK U... and they burst out laughing..sigh*
yeah, clyde is a giant..
i can picture hank, dale, bill and boomhauer having a few beers at merle's party.
congrats on the 2000!!!!
Gloomy lookin' weather but it sure didn't affect the party any! You got some great pictures - and I envy your ability to remember all the names that you did! I'd be saying something like, "the dude with the neck brace", and "the stubborn fishing babe".
2000th post? Goodness and congrats!! I make get to 900 in a month or so - 'cept I'm all out of ideas and things to say.
Whoeeeee! 2000 posts. Congratulations. You need to compile these posts into a book.
I can't belive how green it is there. I always imagined Texas to be dry and brown. That looks as green as Kentucky.
hello my fellow texan. Glad I found ur blog. Love all the pics
I just love this post - all the pictures of family and friends - plus Texas! This looks like so much fun Jackie Sue.
2000 posts ? Holy shit, Ive read 2000 posts !!! Congratulations Jackiesue...looking forward to many more from you.
YDG goes so well with morning coffee. I shit you not!
Happy, Happy 2000. I haven't read all of them, but have enjoyed the ones I have read!!
Happy 2K lady!
billy:that one picture of all the guys? thats hank, dale bill and boomhauer..really..
intense:yup..it was one of the nice stormy texas days but it held off of 8 hours so we were lucky.Well, I've known most of these people for over 30 years..the ones I have known less that 5 are the ones I can't remember.Plus I have a habit of not remembering peoples names if i dont like them.ha
charlene:in spring texas is green and lush and wild flowers every where.by aug it will be yellow and brown..I'm thinking of writing a book of short stories..the novel is not coming..
siren:welcome to the home of the yellowdog..all is welcome..see ya around.
buzzard:i fecking love that tshirt.ha
2,000..it does seem like a lot doesn't it..?
ts:you know? it really was a great day..julio and dawn really did a great job and merle had a great time. helped along by the Pina Coladas..ha.
female:wow..wonder how many of my readers have read all of the 2,000..I know nitty has and you..ha..
pom:thanks sweety..how ya been?
Looks like a nice day. Happy 2000th post :o)
2000? No Way!
Nice pics, looks like fun, making me hungry.
Oh Jackie! It looks like it was just what you needed too! And you know, that place could pass for here, looks just like a bunch of Northern Albertans to me! Happy 2000th!
Bimbo with the neck brace reminded me of Lucky (voiced by Tom Petty on King of the Hill), who is living on benefits from an injury lawsuit after he "slipped on pee-pee."
Happy 2,000 and keep 'em coming.
gaddy;it was a great fun day.
tex:you would have fit right in..the sausage was terrific.
heart:dont ever tell my texas friends they look like canadians.them's fighting words..ha
blue:to me they are all straight out of king of the hill..except? were there any gays on king of the hill?..
Sweet! I hope you had the time of your life.
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