I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, June 02, 2006

.......GONE FISHING.......

Ran out of shit to say...will be back Sunday...love and kisses...jackiesue


yellowdoggranny said...

give me an idea for a post..something you want to hear me rant about? know about? what ever...

Anonymous said...

It's been a few times that I have been wondering your prolific, almost production line-type, writing. Surely it's impossoble, I thought, but granny being granny, maybe she can do it. Day after day long rants about this and that and some days even more than that. It aint human! You go to well so often that you just might have emptied it for now. Like any other good well, it comes back if you stop scooping for a while. I bet it's guys like me (your syber space lovers) that put some pressure on you, too. You might even feel obligated to write in order not to dissapoint.

Granny, give us your finger now and say: "Fuck you till my cows come home"...or something as poetic as that. Have a good rest, stay the hell out of your pc and remember, we love ya like monkeys love bananas!

Nit Wit said...

I know what running out of gas is like I do it a lot lately. Remember, first clean the fish then cook and eat it.
Still trying to get all our stuff moved but my vacation started 2 hours ago and the new Dean Koontz book, The Husband, is sitting on my desk just teasing me.
Boy two new Koontz books in less than a year. Now if it keeps raining I will have something to do that dosen't involve packing and lifting. :)

Unknown said...

Sorry I've been away, work has been hectic with shutdowns and electric outages, I've been working my ass off and passing out on the couch when I get to the house. Here's hoping today is a little better, the bosses are all home and I hope that things don't go boom again. Get some rest for both of us.

Cassandra said...

Is Bush still a moron? Are you still sloshing from all that water?

Ahh... take some time off and enjoy the fish!

Tom said...

Wow, you're old, lady.

Anonymous said...

Gone fishin
Instead of just a wishin.

Have a great weekend.

yellowdoggranny said...

dear tomward...
dont call me a lady you little prick..
love ..jackiesue

yellowdoggranny said...

is eurotrash not the sweetest?

apositivepessimist said...

catch anything?

Donna said...

Bull!!! The only reason you posted that is because you gorged on your last supper and now you're sitting there with your pants undone, and can't move...hehehehe.

I haven't got any ideas for ya..sorry! Hope you've been having a good weekend.

apositivepessimist said...

please don’t ever kiss me again.

ouff I got a chill thinking of the voice in your ear.

Anonymous said...

Lets rant about why we don't have a song for our World Cup USA soccer team and it starts on the 9th! Suppose we can just hmm something low as we hit the field.