During the 60's an 70's the American people protested...we protested against and ended legal segregation.They burned their draft cards. Protested at College's, University's and government buildings, against the war in Vietnam and brought it to an end..Women and supporters burned bras, marched and protested to get equal rights. They protested against neuclear plants and industrial plants that were spewing polution into the air and into our waters. Thousands of people went to Washington to protest directly to the President about the war, about civil rights. They took bullets, got hosed, got attacked by dogs,got bashed in the head with billy clubs, the butts of guns and were hit, kicked and arrested for their beliefs...Where are our protestors? Where are the Black Panthers that should be down in New Orleans screaming about the unjustices that their people are suffering? Where are the black leaders and wealthy black people that should be rallying around the city of New Orleans and helping them rebuild? Lets see, Oprah is building schools in Africa.I know she has and is helping but I read more about her and the young girls in Africa that I do about the young girls in N.O. Barak Obama who I really admire went to his father's home it Africa and is helping people there.Why isn't he helping the blacks in his local'village'?
Where are the gay/lesbians marching for their individual rights as citizens of America? Why aren't they out picketing for their rights to marry, have family insurance and adopt children like the rest of the the country? Why aren't all of us out protesting this lie of a war? Why aren't we pissed off enough to get off our ass and go to Washington to protest at the Capital or the White House about the rights that have been stolen from us by the great liar who calls himself President?
The very least that you can do is be sure and vote...and while I have never ever suggested to anyone how they should vote..I am not..vote vote vote...for Democrats...How much more fucked up does it have to get before we make a change...We should all be ashamed..all of us...
Monday, October 30, 2006
.......COWBOYS 35-------CAROLINA 14.......
Ahhhhhh, life is good...At least as far as football is concerned...We won..Eagles lost...the Goddess rules..(Iam 65-42-5 with the spread! You should have seen the coach last night after the game..he kissed everyone but Jerry Jones..it was so great to see how happy they all were..and our new quarterback Romo was grinning from ear to ear..sigh* I be happy too..
Now if I could just get the pictures to download, upload or magically appear on my post..I would be a happy sonsabitch.Iswitched browsers..from the yahoo one to internet explorer...see if that helps any..Some one explain to me the pause in my typing...I will be typing away and then it will quit printing and then magically appear..like 4-5 seconds later..like now...it stopped at the k in like and didnt start typing again until the s in stopped....I am going to go wackko...promise..
Texas was beautiful today..Sat at the computer looking out on my porch and watched a kazillion birds swoop down on the yard for their lunch and dinner..missed breakfast as I was reading paper and looking for some news to bitch about...too much to pick from..but I did find a great article in the travel section of the Dallas Morning News...it's about gargoyles in the city of New York.Tells where you can go to find them..
Like at Gramercy Park, Brooklyn Museum of Art,and Gold Coast.
It even quoted from a book that I happen to have about gargoyles..It's called Nighmares in the sky...and Stephen King wrote the introduction for it..A gargoyle is a drainpipe,even a plain one, is name taken from the French word gargouille, meaning throat.In common usage, people
refer to any ornamental architectural carving as a gargoyle.
The article gives a website and it is www.aardvarkelectric.com/gargoyle/contents.html.
The name of the other book on gargoyle's is For the Love Of Monsters by Amelia Wilson.I will check out the website..because I love gargoyles..there is another type too
but I can't remember the name of them.The gargoyles reminded me of the movie about the Hunchback of Notre Dame with Charles Laughton..when he figures out that Esmarelda will never be in love with him and he goes to the top of Notre Dame and crouches next to the gargoyle, puts his arm around him and says:"Oh, if only I could be made of stone like thee."...still makes me weep..
The One Who Rules Everything,Queen Anne is it deep cat shit..I made some taco burgers and made 4 of them and was going to put 3 of them in refrigerator but wanted them to cool down before I wrapped them up in saran wrap..so left them on the counter and had my dinner...when I went to put them up..Miss Priss had eaten a corner off all 3 of them..Don't know if she was giving them a taste test or what..bitch..
Monday: went to Dr. this am and my gluclose is 151..so went from 330 to 151..I rock..also squeezed my ass into a pair of bluejeans that I haven't worn in 2 years...hot dang..
I cannnnnnnot...get this fucker to post the pictures..
fuckme till I wear lace...
Now if I could just get the pictures to download, upload or magically appear on my post..I would be a happy sonsabitch.Iswitched browsers..from the yahoo one to internet explorer...see if that helps any..Some one explain to me the pause in my typing...I will be typing away and then it will quit printing and then magically appear..like 4-5 seconds later..like now...it stopped at the k in like and didnt start typing again until the s in stopped....I am going to go wackko...promise..
Texas was beautiful today..Sat at the computer looking out on my porch and watched a kazillion birds swoop down on the yard for their lunch and dinner..missed breakfast as I was reading paper and looking for some news to bitch about...too much to pick from..but I did find a great article in the travel section of the Dallas Morning News...it's about gargoyles in the city of New York.Tells where you can go to find them..
Like at Gramercy Park, Brooklyn Museum of Art,and Gold Coast.
It even quoted from a book that I happen to have about gargoyles..It's called Nighmares in the sky...and Stephen King wrote the introduction for it..A gargoyle is a drainpipe,even a plain one, is name taken from the French word gargouille, meaning throat.In common usage, people
refer to any ornamental architectural carving as a gargoyle.
The article gives a website and it is www.aardvarkelectric.com/gargoyle/contents.html.
The name of the other book on gargoyle's is For the Love Of Monsters by Amelia Wilson.I will check out the website..because I love gargoyles..there is another type too
but I can't remember the name of them.The gargoyles reminded me of the movie about the Hunchback of Notre Dame with Charles Laughton..when he figures out that Esmarelda will never be in love with him and he goes to the top of Notre Dame and crouches next to the gargoyle, puts his arm around him and says:"Oh, if only I could be made of stone like thee."...still makes me weep..
The One Who Rules Everything,Queen Anne is it deep cat shit..I made some taco burgers and made 4 of them and was going to put 3 of them in refrigerator but wanted them to cool down before I wrapped them up in saran wrap..so left them on the counter and had my dinner...when I went to put them up..Miss Priss had eaten a corner off all 3 of them..Don't know if she was giving them a taste test or what..bitch..
Monday: went to Dr. this am and my gluclose is 151..so went from 330 to 151..I rock..also squeezed my ass into a pair of bluejeans that I haven't worn in 2 years...hot dang..
I cannnnnnnot...get this fucker to post the pictures..
fuckme till I wear lace...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Republican baptism...They are bringing the prisoners to Jesus...of course if they happen to die in the process it must mean their hearts wern't in the right place and they going to burn in hell in the first place.Forest Gump and 'Dick' seem to think that waterboarding is some sort of water sport and it is needed to put prisoners on the path to glory..Telling names of fellow believers is just a part of Jesus's plan to convert them all to Christianity..no harm intended..It's not like they are nailing them to a cross or burning them at the stake..If they think it's torture when the CIA hold them under water till their lungs burst and they die,that's their problem.Dick and Bush know that it's just part of the process of getting them right with the Lord..Remember..Jeus saves...and if you hadn't been a nasty ole Muslim then Jesus would have saved you from drowning..It matters not a whit that it's a proven fact that torturing people doesn't get to the truth,that they will tell you what you want to hear..and especially if they don't happen to know jackshit..But who cares about about the truth...they didn't need it when they made up a pack of lies to fool the Americans to get us into this war..so who cares if the information they get from prisoners is true or not? Surely not ole Dick and Dickhead..(tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber)..
whip me, dunk me,fuckme till I write bad checks.
Enough...now for some good news...I'm a fucking genius...yup....I got my high speed internet thingy in the mail...with the distructions...called my friend David and he said..."Hell, my ex-wife wanted me to help her put her's in and I couldn't do it.."...so I thought wait a minute jackiesue...if you don't need a dick to change sparkplugs and change the oil in the truck...you don't need a dick to hook this little fucker up....and I didn't..I put it together in record speed..(bows and waits for ya'll to throw money)(still waiting)Now if I could just get rid of this fucking zombie, so I could enjoy it like I'm suppopsed to...I would be a happy mother fucker...But on the lighter side...my new pussy is a dowser...I woke up in middle of night and went to pee and heard water running..thought damn..it's poruing out side..about an hour later when I went outside to go take Sara (David's daughter) to school...there was no rain...hmmmm...so when I got back I had to pee again(I drink lots of tea) and Annie followed me into the bathroom to check out the haps, she went right to the sink and started scratching and sniffing and scratching and sniffing...I thought what the fuck??So dabbed daintily at my crotch and pulled up jeans and walked over, leaned down to see what she was digging at..and could hear the water running through the tub and the floor...she found my water leak for me..Didn't know I had a leak...so after getting the water turned off and plumber called..I am now back in business...no more leak..The first thing the plumber said was:Where's Nate?....oh man..that smarted...had to tell him Nate met a truck bigger and toughter than he was...He said Nate was the best and biggest Pit he had ever seen.The first time he came Nate was about 8 months old(weighed about 70 lbs) and he followed him all over the house and thought he was most interesting...the second time he came Nate was about 2 years old and weighed 110 lbs. and followed him all over the place but it was because he was making sure he didn't hurt anyone..he was really in protector mode..but didn't bark or growl...or do anything tht would be considered threating..just very alert and aware of everything he did...Damn..I miss ole Nate...
also if you aren't doing anything major this evening go to WSM-620-am radio station and listen to James Hand..(my old boyfriend)he sang today at the Grand Ole Opry...(I know he must be so excited)and is host tonight at the Midnight Jamboree on the radio...Now that is big..local boy was on the Opry and now is hosting the Midnight Jamboree....hot dang...
fuckme till I yodel.... I CANT DOWNLOAD PICTURES..HELP!
whip me, dunk me,fuckme till I write bad checks.
Enough...now for some good news...I'm a fucking genius...yup....I got my high speed internet thingy in the mail...with the distructions...called my friend David and he said..."Hell, my ex-wife wanted me to help her put her's in and I couldn't do it.."...so I thought wait a minute jackiesue...if you don't need a dick to change sparkplugs and change the oil in the truck...you don't need a dick to hook this little fucker up....and I didn't..I put it together in record speed..(bows and waits for ya'll to throw money)(still waiting)Now if I could just get rid of this fucking zombie, so I could enjoy it like I'm suppopsed to...I would be a happy mother fucker...But on the lighter side...my new pussy is a dowser...I woke up in middle of night and went to pee and heard water running..thought damn..it's poruing out side..about an hour later when I went outside to go take Sara (David's daughter) to school...there was no rain...hmmmm...so when I got back I had to pee again(I drink lots of tea) and Annie followed me into the bathroom to check out the haps, she went right to the sink and started scratching and sniffing and scratching and sniffing...I thought what the fuck??So dabbed daintily at my crotch and pulled up jeans and walked over, leaned down to see what she was digging at..and could hear the water running through the tub and the floor...she found my water leak for me..Didn't know I had a leak...so after getting the water turned off and plumber called..I am now back in business...no more leak..The first thing the plumber said was:Where's Nate?....oh man..that smarted...had to tell him Nate met a truck bigger and toughter than he was...He said Nate was the best and biggest Pit he had ever seen.The first time he came Nate was about 8 months old(weighed about 70 lbs) and he followed him all over the house and thought he was most interesting...the second time he came Nate was about 2 years old and weighed 110 lbs. and followed him all over the place but it was because he was making sure he didn't hurt anyone..he was really in protector mode..but didn't bark or growl...or do anything tht would be considered threating..just very alert and aware of everything he did...Damn..I miss ole Nate...
also if you aren't doing anything major this evening go to WSM-620-am radio station and listen to James Hand..(my old boyfriend)he sang today at the Grand Ole Opry...(I know he must be so excited)and is host tonight at the Midnight Jamboree on the radio...Now that is big..local boy was on the Opry and now is hosting the Midnight Jamboree....hot dang...
fuckme till I yodel.... I CANT DOWNLOAD PICTURES..HELP!
Friday, October 27, 2006
copied from Dallas Morning News, written by Debra Dennis, staff writer.
A Dallas Cowboys coach, his wife and the family's nanny have sued a McDonald's owner, alleging they found a dead rat in a salad purchased at a Southlake restaurant.
The lawsuit, which seeks $1.7 million in damages, was filed Thursday in state district court on behalf of Cowboys passing-game coordinator Todd Haley, his wife, Christine Haley, and the familiy's live-in baby sitter, Kathryn Kelley.
"We tried to work this out,"said Scott Casterline, a spokesman for the Haley family.
"We were forced to file a lawsuit.It's a tragic situation for any family to go through.
"Something has to be done to prevent this from ever happening again and to help these ladies to get over this." Ken Lobato, owner-operator of the McDonald's, said he hadn't seen the litigation so he couldn't respond to the allegation.
"Nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of our customers," he said."We maintain the strictest quality standards.We take these matters seriously and are conducting a full investigation to get all the facts.
"In my years as an owner-operator, I've never seen anything like this," Mr. Lobato said.
According to the lawsuit, Mrs. Haley and Ms. Kelley purchased a salad on June 5 at the drive-through of the McDonald's at 2155 W. Southlake Blvd.
They took the salad home, where both womaen ate part of it before a dead rodent-thought to be a juvenile roof rat-was uncovered.
The women called the Southlake McDonald's, and a manager came to the house to examine the salad.
The manager asked to take the salad and rat, but the women declined, the lawsuit says.
The women became severely ill and endured long-lasting phyysical injuries, the lawsuit says.Mrs. Haley, who was nursing, had to feed her baby formula.
"She got violently ill:she couldn't perform her duties as a mother," Mr. Casterline said of Mrs. Haley.
Both women said they suffered severe mental and physical pain and that their dining habits have been altered, the lawsuit says.
end of article..
In an unrelated article...Terrel Owens is missing...last seen at local eatery in Southlake.
A Dallas Cowboys coach, his wife and the family's nanny have sued a McDonald's owner, alleging they found a dead rat in a salad purchased at a Southlake restaurant.
The lawsuit, which seeks $1.7 million in damages, was filed Thursday in state district court on behalf of Cowboys passing-game coordinator Todd Haley, his wife, Christine Haley, and the familiy's live-in baby sitter, Kathryn Kelley.
"We tried to work this out,"said Scott Casterline, a spokesman for the Haley family.
"We were forced to file a lawsuit.It's a tragic situation for any family to go through.
"Something has to be done to prevent this from ever happening again and to help these ladies to get over this." Ken Lobato, owner-operator of the McDonald's, said he hadn't seen the litigation so he couldn't respond to the allegation.
"Nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of our customers," he said."We maintain the strictest quality standards.We take these matters seriously and are conducting a full investigation to get all the facts.
"In my years as an owner-operator, I've never seen anything like this," Mr. Lobato said.
According to the lawsuit, Mrs. Haley and Ms. Kelley purchased a salad on June 5 at the drive-through of the McDonald's at 2155 W. Southlake Blvd.
They took the salad home, where both womaen ate part of it before a dead rodent-thought to be a juvenile roof rat-was uncovered.
The women called the Southlake McDonald's, and a manager came to the house to examine the salad.
The manager asked to take the salad and rat, but the women declined, the lawsuit says.
The women became severely ill and endured long-lasting phyysical injuries, the lawsuit says.Mrs. Haley, who was nursing, had to feed her baby formula.
"She got violently ill:she couldn't perform her duties as a mother," Mr. Casterline said of Mrs. Haley.
Both women said they suffered severe mental and physical pain and that their dining habits have been altered, the lawsuit says.
end of article..
In an unrelated article...Terrel Owens is missing...last seen at local eatery in Southlake.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

This is going to be a post about nothing ..sort of what's been going on the past few days..
First of all, lets go ahead and get it out of the way...the Cowboys lost to the New York Giants...they actually didn't lose...they got their asses spanked..and spanked badly...or goodly..t

Went to the library where I got Deal Souls by Nicolai V. Gogol.So far I know everything I would ever want to know about Russian made carriages for the middle class..I'm sure it will get better.I am reading it along with a book by Mary-Ann Tirone Smith, called The Book of Phoebe...I am liking it alot..it's a chick book...which if you know me at all you know chick books are as important to me as the health of George W. Bush. But I like this one..it starts out with her Granny refering to men of no account as 'shitheels', so what's not to like..
I finally got some religious nut to comment a portion of the bible on one of my posts, naturally the one on gay marriages,
he/she/it was so pissed it was posted twice...I commented on his post and it wasn't exactly a love note.you can check it out..It struck a nerve with some of my readers...most of you either agreed with me, or just let it go and blew it off(if you will pardon my pun)but this person really got their knickers in a bunch.
I'm glad, getting their knickers in a bunch could be a nice experience for them...
Oh, I know ...I had forgotten..but I remembered..I was driving to library and this little ole gray hair, barely could see her over the steering wheel, ran a stop sign and pulled right out in front of me..I had to slam on my brakes to keep from taking her out...I didn't give her the finger or scream'you stupid bitch' or anything I wanted too..she's a lit

I went to the store tonight as I was having a craving for something that I knew would probably put me into a diabetic coma...I got a carton of creme filed popcicles...and then while I was getting ground beef for my meat loaf..the kid behind the meat counter(

So I get home and pour out a small bowl for my snack..make

I'm watching Boston Legal..I am so happy I could giggle..One of my two favorite actors is on the show now..Craig Bierko..I first noticed him in a movie called the 13th Floor and watched it like 8 times...It's a great movie and I recommend it highly...and is even better if you are a little highly..
not that I would know anything about that...
I am mailing out my two hats tomorrow...the cocksucker hat goes to Lauren and Nancy's Bruce gets the Sox ball cap...I feel good...I am hoping they will take pictures of themselves in the hats and post them for us to see...
.......can you tell I'm pumping a dry well here?..I have writers block...yawn..and need a nap...so ..that's all folks.
Fuckme till I have an idea...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
..............GET YOUR RED HOT HATS HERE..............

Boston Red Socks..and underneath it says Fenway Park and under it, it says est.1912...IT HAS A FADED BLUE BILL WITH TAN CAP.IF YOU LOVE YOUR SOX..YOU WILL LOVE THIS CAP...

Friday, October 20, 2006

From wire reports.
Washington--Scientists are boldly going where only fiction has gone before-to develop a Clock of Invisibility.
It is

It's like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky.
"We have built an artificail mirage tht can hide something from w

For their first attempt, the researchers designed a cloak that prevents microwaves from detecting objects. Like light and r

The result is that the microwaves slide around the structure like water flowing around a smooth rock in a stream,said Dr. David R.

Enthusiasts have already suggested thata the technology may someday be useful for the military to create objects that are invisble t

"We hope it's got some commercial potential," Mr. Myhrvold said."It could easily take years to figure out what the stuff is really good for from a practical, pragmatic standpoint.But, boy, it sure is really cool from a short-term standpoint.
Associated Press.
Washington--This year's Antarctic ozone hole is the biggest ever, government scientists said Thursday. The so-called hole is a reg

Jackiesue's News:
Washington-President George W. Bush said after being told of the hole in the ozone.:"Hey, dude...just throw one of them invis

Thursday, October 19, 2006

associated press..
Washington--President Bush has signed an order asserting the United States' right to deny adversaries access to space for hostile purposes.

The provisions were contained in the first revison of U.S. space policy in nearly 10 years


The policy says that space systems should have rights of passage without interference, and that the U.S. would view any deliberate interference with its space systems as an infrin

"The United States considers space capabilities--including the ground and space segments and supporting links--vital to its national interests," the policy said.
"Consistent with this policy, the United States will: preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space:dissuade or deter others from either impeding those rights or developing cabalities intended to do so;take those actions necessary to protect its space capabilities; resp

The White House said the policy does not call for the development or deployment of weapons in space.
"This policy emphasizes that the United States is committed to peaceful uses of space by all nations and that space systems enjoy the right of free passage," National Security Council spokesman Frederick Jones said.

Doesn't the dipshit know that it's too late...?

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