So I go to David and Debbie's house...there is enough food to feed the town of West...It was loads of fun..and we did the Chinese Christmas and I ended up with a red robe..it's the longest, fluffiest, softest robe ever..If I lay it down Annie jumps on it and won't move..David is the best for getting me gifts that he just knows I will love...and he was right on again..Got a vintage framed photo of Roger Stauback and Tom Landy on the field at Texas stadium...with little blurbs beneath the picture with info on them...It's fucking fantastic.. It now resides next to the Ring of Honor Picture of Charlie Waters..He had also given me a picture of Troy Aikman, but somehow between my old house and the apt. it disappeared..I think some how it got left behind. I had put a bunch of stuff by the fence to go to trash and think I laid it down there to put in truck and it never made it..fuckity fuck..' Ok..the marshmallows came out perfect..they were delicious..and were a big hit..The cocoa was ok...not as good as I think it should have been, but not bad..just not perfect...But everyone was amazed that I actually made homemade marshmallows...me too...After the party I came home and got ready to go to Wolf's again to see the Cowboys play Carolina..It was smoky as usual, but the place looks fantastic..They have it decorated all in silver and blue...and I stole a silver star from one of the trees,and just wish they had a blue star because I woulda stolen it too...I drank a gallon of water and spent most of the night in women's room peeing..On the way back from one of the trips I stopped to watch a play by Carolina and they completed a long pass and this guy jumped up and started clapping and yelling..and I had a out of body experience..I walked up to him and with the palm of my hand, bipped him right up side the head..and walked off...and I don't mean a love tap..I mean he's head moved..He never blinked...just sat there..As I'm walking off, I'm thinking.."Are you fucking nuts?...you don't even know this guy, he could have turned around and knocked you on your ass."... Maybe he was as shocked by the bip as I was by the fact that I did it..Jeez, I thought I only did stupid shit like that when I was drunk....guess not..I have this feeling though that he sat in his chair the rest of the game and silently rooted for the Panthers...The game was ok..we won, but it wasn't earth shattering and to top it off, T.O.got hurt...he could be out for the next game..But today Green Bay lost to Chicago so that means we have home field advantage for all the play off games..
I just came back from rescuing Claudette again..every time she gets out of the car she fucks something up and the lights flash on and off and the horn beeps....I have to go out and fix what ever it is that is wrong..Well folks...I'm off to make some cookies and another pecan pie for the Bratprince and his folks..I would like to take this time to wish you all the best of the holiday seasons...and hope the new year brings you nothing but joy and happiness.
and for me...A super bowl win...