Yes, it's that time of year again..The time when the population of my little town of 2,000 goes up to 30,000+..Which means I run to the grocery store, stock up on food, snacks and cat food..Stop by the library and grab up about 10 books, run to the house and hide out till the last drunk is gone, some time around 2am Monday.
I can remember when it was a yafta that I attend.As if they couldn't pull it off with out my being there..Buying $20+ pevo tickets and if they lasted..using them up the next day..Friday was always my favorite time..We would have the street dance..A bunch of czech's would accordion up and play music from about 7pm till 1am..The grocery stores would stay open and sell beer, sandwiches,snacks through a window onto the street..The train would go zipping through the middle of town about 3-5 times a night and we always expected some drunk to wander out onto the tracks and get splattered all over town..It never happened but the city decided that it was too dangerous(there would be 4-5,000 drunks all over the down town area right by the tracks)and moved it to the Westfest grounds..took all the fun and danger out of it for me..After the street dance would be over, we would buy 2-3 cases of beer, pile into some one's truck, van and with me in my little blue jeep, we would drive out into the country and continue drinking, listening to Hank,George,Willie,
Johnny,Waylon,Ernest,Bob,and Merle till 5-6am..then we would take a little nippy nap..go down to the Capital (our watering hole)have us some red beers and start all over again..Ah, yes! The good ole days.The last time I went to Westfest I wasn't drinking and had all four of the granddaughters,3 step-grandsons,and about 3 of their friends..They were at my little one bedroom house from Friday till Sunday am..After each of them and me spending about $40 a piece, eating drinking, taking them on rides, getting faces painted..and then riding the bus back to town and then walking back to the house..they decided they were 'starving to death'..So I cooked hamburgers, french fries,and nachos for all of them..Their parents were supposed to come and get them Sunday at about 6pm..I called them at 7am and said,'come and get them...now'...My ass was wore out..but not as bad as poor ole Nate.He was about to have a nervous break down trying to figure out which kid to protect and which door to guard from danger..I think all of them slept in the king size bed with me and Nate was on top of them..It was tough..but a lot more fun then when I drank all those pevos..
This year we will have all sorts of new stuff at our Westfest.It's great for the kids..The rides are The Orbiter, Super Loops,Fun House,Animal(car seats),Dragon Wagon,Merry Go Round and space ships.Pony rides,a giant tiger slide, a rock climbing wall, miniature car races,obstacle course and the all-time favorite confetti eggs in this area.New this year is the extreme obstacle course along with a power jumper with four trampolines.Leggo station,Coloring Station,and Big Sand Box.Plus lots of pevo for the parents.
We will have our annual Westfest Kolache 5000 Run scheduled for Sunday morning.Antique tractor pull competition scheduled for Saturday,Kolache Baking Contest Sunday and will have a Buchta Division this year..which is terrific as some of these Czech ladies make some killer Buchta's..I like the ones that are fruit filled..Can't eat
them of course...but still like to smell them..ha..
We have Arts and Crafts and will have over 60 artisans and craftsmen from all over the state.Most every thing is handmade...like jewelry,western wear,Tye-died clothing,walking sticks,hand painted wooden crosses,solar lights,toe rings,crystal rosaries, quilts,hand blown glass,candles,hand made bowls,plates, stuffed animals,metal art, etc..just too much to mention.Also have a bus that will drive you to and from Westfest if you live in town.
The music will be Polka Freak Out,Czech and Then Some,Vaneks of West,Ennis Czech Boys,Praha Brothers,Branded Heart,Brave Combo,The Harvesters,Vrazel Polka Band,Das 1st Lustig,Donna Beckham,and Roger Creager.AND THE FOOD...........
Pretzels, grilled chicken,salads, soft ice cream,teas,Dr.Pepper,Baked potatoes,lemonade,Corny dogs,french fries,skunk eggs, Sausage sandwiches,sausage kolaches,sausage,homemade bread,cheesecakes,hamburgers nachos, tamales, tacos,chalupas, burritos,sausage on a stick,corn on a stick,snow cones,cotton candy,BBQ sandwiches,chips, pickles,roasted corn ears,steak on a stick,chicken on a stick,pork-k-bob,turkey legs,hot dogs,beer-bread sausage sandwiches,funnel cakes(the best funnel cakes you have ever ever ever eaten in your entire life),rosettes,Frito pies,coke,kettle corn,pork rinds,pecans,almonds, cashews,spudzillas,fried green tomatoes, fried pickles,fried squash,ice cream floats,strudels,potato pancakes,fresh fruit drinks,gyro pita, Greek sausage on a stick, spanakopita, and pita sausage...
there are more kinds of sausage then you can shake a sausage at..
If you go to the westfest.com site they have a live camera feed from the gates of westfest..over the weekend, you can czech it out and see all the action...
well...other then we got some rain finally and some rednecks beat up a hispanic gentleman for running out on a $200 pool bet..thinks are same ole same ole here..If you ever come to Westfest all you need to know is:"Chci klobasku a zeli(I want sausage and sauerkraut) and "Chci pevo".(I want beer)..and just to make you feel right at home?"Jak se mas?"...How are you..?
sooo...."Dobarou noc"..(good night)