The only thing that would make me happier is if the Eagles had lost...oh well, they beat the 'Skins, so that's ok....I'm loving my team...what a great birthday present that was..Because tomorrow would be a pretty dismal birthday if they had lost...sigh*...life is good..Oh....Buddha_girl, I'm sorry my team beat your team...well, not really but I am sorry that it was your team that my team beat..maybe you should switch to my team?....
We had to watch the really sucky game between the Raiders and the Bears on Fox. When the Raiders sell out a game, it can be televised. O, joy. So then we can't watch the good stuff. Can I visit you next time that happens? I'll bet you're fun to watch when the Cowboys win.
I just got home from Sonny boy's birthday party. Must be a lot of good people born this time of year.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear, Jackie...
May Bush Get Sued.
happy birthday yellowdog!
i'm tom landry is smiling down on you from heaven.
I will never switch teams. Neverrrr.
The only positive thing I can say about that debacle of a game is that at least I didn't have to listen to my stupid husband stomping around the house like a freaking two year old.
Can you tell I'm not happy.
Happy Birthday anyway, you wench.
jan:well, I don't know how much fun I am to watch, but if we're winning,the smile on my face is as big as the state I live in..and if we're losing...all the apts doors are closed against the cursing..
tex:ahh, a fellow scorpio...yup...we're either your best friend...or your worse enemy..huh junebugg and cherlee?..
HMHH:now THAT would make a great birthday present..
leo:he's smiling alright..at his cowboys...
buddha_girl:I have to admit I thought about you a lot during that game..because while I despise the ealges and hate the redskins, I have always liked the giants..maybe it's the landry connection...but always thought they played with a lot of class...plus I have a soft spot for new yorkers...
ps...no one noticed i accidently gave the giants and extra point...oops..
I did, but not until Tuesday night.
The whole state of Ohio seems to be in mourning over some collage football game. They take it almost as serous as you do in Texas.
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