My guy gets busted again....I love it...Willie and four others were issued misdemeanor citations for possession for marijuana and narcotic mushrooms..Willie's bus was stopped for some sort of commercial vehicle inspection and when they opened the door the trooper smelled the strong odor of marijuana and after close
inspection they recoved 1 1/2 pounds of marijuana and 0.2 pounds of narcotic mushrooms...Willie Nelson is 72 years old.also arrested was Tony Sizemore,59,of St. Cloud,Fla.,Bobbie Nelson(Willie's older sister), 75, of Braircliff,Texas,Gates Moore, 54,of Austin,Texas and David Anderson,56, of Dallas, Texas...So, let me see if I have this straight..they arrested 3 people in their 50's, and 2 in their 70's..I can sleep so much better at night knowing them crime breakers are off the street...Oh, wait..they aren't off the street..they were sited and then released....well, if that
isn't a fucking waste of paper work and time..Judas Priest..every Tom, Dick and cousin Bob know Willie Nelson smokes dope and the mushrooms are no great surprise either.I'm sure he uses it during his meditations..or in his tea...But I bet you $1,000 that if
you piss test his driver..he'll come up clean..even Willie isn't that stupid..although it doesn't show a lot of smarts to let the driver open the door to the trooper..why didn't he just get out and go talk to him...? oh well, I don't know this for a fact but I bet in the next 3 months Willie will be putting out a new album titled'Smoke On The Highway"..with songs called Lousiana High, High On The Bayou, Gator Got My Stash..and I May Take Drugs But I Love Jews.
I can't wait to hear Willie's take on his latest adventure.
fuckme till till I smoke dope.
one of these days i swear i will use spell check..or at least check over it before i post it....
yeah, right..
I miss them good old days. I never was much of a drinker but man did I love to catch a buzz............
poor willie...can't they just leave him alone? at least we know that all those tax dollars for policing are being spent wisely....getting the dangerous people arrested...cause ya know a 'gang' like that might have been on their way to rape and murder or raise a million for some underpriviledged group. I'm sure we will all sleep better now knowing that this dangerous 'gang' has been caught ;)
I get the feeling that the cop was looking fo an excuse to hassel Willie. Maybe he didn't like his cowboy song.
Well, just think they could be going to prison if it had happened in the wrong state.
Never did much for me. Just gave me the giggles and munchies.
I get the feeling that the cop was looking fo an excuse to ll, just think they could be goinhassel Willie. Maybe he didn't like his cowboy song.
Weg to prison if it had happened in the wrong state.
Never did much for me. Just gave me the giggles and munchies.
That Willie always was a rebel
Thank God! I feel much safer knowing those crazed dope fiends have been taken off the streets.
Remember, it's for the children.
Willie was at the Hollywood Bowl recently and the crowd at work was very mellow.....
Another POW in the war on drugs. We have an enormous meth plague and they bust poor Willie. Ironic.
Willie Nelson smokes pot?!?!?!?!
my world is shattered
mama kelly
Long live Willie !
jackie use the flucking spul chex
apos: double sigh**
junebugg:i bet your a riot on weed
oh lady: yeah why waste time on a two old farts in their 70's and 3 in their 50's..big crime wave from that group.
nit wit: you know they knew who he was and how hard would it have been to just say no....and walk away..?
autumn: he's a rebel..and a good guy...he's the best.
MImi: im with you 100%...we get the right person in the white house and maybe...just maybe..
reg everyone's mellow around willie
jan.ah willie will just laugh, pay his fine and drive down the road and buy some more weed..
allan: booze bad...weed good
Mama Kelly: sorry to burst your bubble..haa
John..willie rules....
I knew you'd have something good to say about this!!!!
"I May Take Drugs But I Love Jews".
So much for creative collaboration between Willie Nelson and Mel Gibson, then.
josh..yea, but willie will like working with the jewboy..kinky...
Most of the drug laws, particularly for marijuana possession, are way over the top.
Rock on Willie!!!!!!!!!!!!...
cyber: we need a president that will have the balls to make it legal..or have the congress and house pass it...save money so much money by doing this we could go have real drug users..
leo: dont you know that willie must have been stopped 87 different times and never got busted..but that one asshole cop wants to make a name for himself...dickhead
keith: yupper!
Yep, I'm really worried about a bunch of pothead senior citizens roaming the streets! Glad they busted them. Not like they should worry about the meth-heads or crack-heads who actually do violence. That might make sense!
I haven't smoked pot myself in nearly 20 years but I say we should legalize it. Many more violent crimes have been committed by drunks than potheads.
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