Life is too short to stuff mushrooms...

Lauren is rejoycing her victory over Nitwit for the first question..and wants to know if she has waltzed herself in a situation that will come back and bite her in the ass...I think once you start questioning something you have said or done, you can pretty much assume...'ya dun fucked up'...so bend over my friend...and prepare to have your ass bit..
Apos says she is already blessed..and that she is..blessed to be loved by not only her family, her friends in her home country, but also her friends here in her home to be...and to be loved by a little fat hilly billy bastid...how good can it get...?
Tina...my blessings on you and a big cosmic 'bip' to your ex...it's not nice to fool with friends of the Goddess.
Nitwit:4th on the list..but first in the Goddess's heart..He wants to know if he will ever recover from the trauma from the e-mail that he received from the Yellowdog? Plus ..will he ever work out again...Nitty, just about the time you think you may have recovered from something the Yellowdog sends you...she zaps you with another one...so you will be in constant recovery....and you will work out again..you just won't enjoy it as much..
Allan wants to know if he should pack up all his stuff, put it in his car and become a gypsy as nothing seems to make sense...Allan you silly human .....you don't have want it takes to be a gypsy..they live a very hard life, usually one step in front of the law, so I think you should stay where you are...as things will start to make sense for you soon....and like the Yellowdog says about getting 'your shit together'....getting it together is a lot easier than picking it up and moving it....
Hill in the beautiful bluebonnet covered hill country of Texas wants to know if there is such a thing as a good republican and will hell freeze over....Yes, there are good republicans...they are just misguided and too stubborn to admit ...'maybe we backed the wrong horse in this race.'....and Hel has already frozen over...google Hel and see for yourself..
Cyberoutlaw wants to know since Texas hasn't sent out the greatest politicians lately shouldn't they pick their president from some place like..New York and not Giulinai....The Yellowdog said nothing good ever came out of New York..and she's partial to the idea of the next president coming from Chicago...The Goddess doesn't get into politics....There are Gods and Goddess's I have no need for anyone that only wants to do good for his country if they get paid for it..
The beautiful sweet misjudged Rube wants to know why bones tastes better after being buried in the ground for a few weeks...well, that is easy..think of dirt as Doggie gravy....and everything goes better with gravy...
BBC has no questions, only answers...and no one ever listens to him, then calls his fellow humans stupid monkeys.....big surprise..
Wicked Storm has been done wrong..done wrong to the point that the Goddess is going to have to intervene.Steps will be taken to bring justice to you Lakota Princess...Your painting of Jesus as an Indian Brave should be hanging in the Vatican...The Goddess doesn't understand why certain people refuse to except any thing but the blue eyed, fair haired Jesus...which were not in any abundance in the middle east thousands of years ago...and since I know Jesus personally, I can tell you that he looks more like the Jews in the Diamond District in New York than he does the pictures of him in every Church around the world...
and for your information Lakota Princess, HE loved your painting...
Cheesemeister is worried about her book and the website she wants to build to promote her book....She needs help and welcomes any offers and ideas...I am sure the website will come along and Yellowdog says she knows some people that might help...and then...get an agent...
Reg wants to know if Mr. S. will call her again....I think he might..but not sure it's to tell you what you want to hear....
The questions have all been answered..and I hope to your satisfaction....blessings on you my children...I am off to Aruba, Jamica...and other places that the Beach Boys sing about...I hear the rum there is almost as good as mead.....