This doesn't look like me now..first of all my hair is blond and longer..and I have lost over 40lbs since then..this was taken the night Jenny on the right and Jamie on the left took me to Red Lobster for my birthday..I call this picture the battle of the tits..
Y'all ain't flat that's for sure.
Battle of the tits is right! LOL!
I don't know why, but I pictured you to look like Flo from Mel's diner. I also expected you to look older. 64 is younger now than it was when I was a kid! LOL!
(I totally mean that in the kindest way, I hope I don't sound like a douchebag!)
So who won the battle?
tex:it runs in the family...my other two granddaughters are 'healthy'..also
rox:trust me ..never in my life have I ever said..."kiss my grits"....fuck you...yes..
a guy that was 48 tried to pick me up while I was in Wolf's watching the cowboys game and he and his buds like to have shit a brick when I told them I was 64...you could NEVER sound like a douchebag..ever...
elizabeth:well, I'm still the biggest..but if Jenny keeps up she will pass me by the time she's 25...she was bigger sooner than I was and I was a c cup when I was 10...she was a d by the time she was 13...we'll all be humpbacked ..
So you have tits. Big deal.
bbc:your a real piece of work
Blonde, tits? Is that you dating Tony Romo that they show on TV every five minutes when the Cowboys play?
jan:if that was me with tony romo...he wouldn't be able to make a fist to throw the ball..after 23 years I'm afraid I would ruin him for throwing the ball...
Hey I got my workout without even surfing the web.
Like I said before if you lose too much weight you will just topple over. You can't fight gravity.
Happy new Year! I've been in Hawaii for vacation/anniversary trip for the past 15 days!
So, when are we goin to see a current pic of Jackie ;) Cute kitty in prev. post - talk soon!
nitwit:yeah, if i keep losing i will have to carry a cinder block around my neck in back..to keep me from tipping forward and then go into a full roll...
tina:yeah..how are you?...have fun?...I'll be by..
Yep, we need to take some new pics of you. Remind me to bring my cheap digital camera over sometime.
i'll bet 5 bucks on blondie.
babs yeah, I keep forgetting..I hate having my picture taken..
billy:no bet..I have a feeling by the time she's my age she'll need a wheel barrow to haul em around
Love your website. Neat stuff.
You look just like I imagined!
Kickass grin JackieSue!
joy:howdy and welcome..and thanks..
kalibitch..Yah, I grin and smile all the time..makes people really nervous..ha
uh, I can't believe nobody has said it yet:
chin up, tits out!
rocky...your absolutly right..and when it is ever said again...this picture should be shown right by it..
I would call the picture "battle of the gorgeous gals with tits." You are so lucky.
Battle of the Tits? Of course! We women who are endowed have to do SOMETHING with these things on the front, right?
You are all beautiful!
anne:thank you...yup...they are so pretty...
buddhagirl:we could never fit into a phone booth (do they still make phone booths?)
mcraven:ohhhh, thanks sweety..
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