"The larger the car, the bigger you feel."
Kirk Pingel,explaining why he and fellow Texans love big vehic
les. Texas emits more carbon pollution yearly than California and Pennsylvania, the No.2 and 3 states,

combined.(associated press)
(You can buy a car 3 blocks long and you're still going to have that t-tiny dick, Kirk.....Hmmm, last name is Pingel..wonder if all the teasing he got as a kid about being fingle pingel is the reason he is so insecure?)
"We are the way to happiness. We can bring peace and unite cultures."..Tom Cruise, hyper-enthusiastically praising fellow Scientologists on a Church of Scientology training vidio.(g

(I want a ring side ticket to this freak show.)
"What makes the allegations in the indictment so shocking, is that Siljander is a Born-Again Evangelical Christian. We had fast days in his offi
ce. There were prayer circles."..Debbie Schlussel, conservative columnist and former emploee of former Rep.mark Siljander, indicted this week on charges of aiding Islamic terrorist fundraising.(debbieschlussel.com)

(Gee as if Born-Again Evangelical Christian's have such a sterling reputation...huh, George Bush?)
"People wonder what in the world it is because this is the Bible Belt, and everyone is afraid it's the end
of times."

Steven Allen(no not that Steve Allen), a Stephenville,Texas business owner who was one of many local people to see a UFO.(associated press)..(How scary is that.?..They are so afraid to admit there might be people from another planet or universe that they would rather have the world come to an end..)
What a bunch of assholes.........
The morons around here have a competition trying to see who has the biggest truck and smallest minds.
There is a new car dealer up the street and the whole lot is filled with full size SUV's and oversized pickup trucks. There are at least 4 Humvee's around here and I actually see them on the road proving the owners have ore money than sense.
One thing I'll say about those Scientologists, they sure can wash a brain.
A lot of the so called born again Christians seem to leave their brains in their first life.
I read about the UFO sightings and hope to have more to say soon. Let's just say something about it caught my attention.
I'm kinda speechless on this. I was enjoying all your past pictures and then I'm still having trouble understanding the whole larger car, bigger you thing. Remember when it used to be sports cars that made up the difference. I liked those better. At least the cars looked cool.
peace and happiness would be real nice.
maybe we should give tom a chance. xenu probably told him where all the space ships are parked.
nitwit:even west has some asshole in a hummer, every time i see it i flip them the bird...im not born again..i did it right the first time..ohh, can't wait to see the post about the ufo's..
babs:glad you liked the pictures..yeah, so many assholes ..so little time..
sage:im more apt to belive in the ufo's than big cars make you bigger, tom and the scientoligist know jackshit,evangelical christians know anything.plus i've seen a ufo..
billy:he probably came in on a ufo..
hmhh:yeah, it was an asshole drive by..
Superstitions are funny.
It must be the cool people like you and Babs keeping the Goddess from just bipping Texas right off the map.
I love your labels: ashholes are everywhere! You always make me smile!
oh my word the world is being taken over by morons!!! bloggers should unite and make a stand i reckon!
allan:so are people
buddhagirl:i think the aliens are making a big mistake by n coming and taking him away..
elizabeth:i do like that so many assholes ..so little time.. idea..ha..wanna go in business with me?
mcraven:i made you smile?..my work here is done..
angel:yeah, if bloggers all joined a union we would control the internet...
There are a lot of big 4x4 pickups around here. Most of them are alright but look out for the bright red ones, those guys are pretending it's a fire truck and they're on the way to a fire.
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