President Barack Obama....
I'm sure that none of you remember..but waaaaaay back at least a year ago, I predicted that Barack Obama would run for President and win...well..he's getting there..He just won Iowa....
not that them fuckers know anything..they helped elect bush(not you nitwit)but it is a clue as to what is going to happen...nana boo boo..stick your head in doo doo...

LOL, Sling!
That's exactly what I said! I guess people haven't learned a $#%&ing thing these past 8 years!
I am trying to feel enthusiastic about one of these candidates...
Obama? maybe
I really wanted to like Hilary, but I just don't trust her. She is no Bill.
I would like an Edwards /Obama ticket I think? but Obama /Edwards might be okay too?
at this moment in time I also do not care.. I want to go back to bed and sleep for a week
but I have to go to work and oh baby its cold out there!
yeah, I'm for O-boy.
Barry Obama as pres jackie Sue ? I got the hots for hilRod! :-)
hmhh:I think that there will be more democrats out voting this and for any election..just to insure there will be no repeat of the last 8 years...
sling:no shit..I'd go with you to canada too, but my rents too cheap to leave..
hmhh:yeah, I keep wanting to ask all those religious right people that voted for the compassionate conservative ..."how's that working for you?"
Kath:I never have liked Hiliary...either she was the dumbest wife in the world and didn't know he was a chipping bastard, or she knew and didn't care cause of the presidential package..either way..she's not a very strong figure..
kalibitch:hell, I was for him before he knew he wanted to run for president..
Y'all better vote for Obama...Huckabee has a retarded sounding name. "President Huckabee?" C'mon. It reminds me of the movie "I heart Huckabee" that I've never actually watched but remember the commercials.
There's plenty of room up here in Canada if y'all get stuck with another dud...bring a parka though, gets a little chilly in the winter! :)
It's a slim choice but I gotta go for Obama, too
JS: I knew you were right, the Goddess always knows the future even if she doesn't tell us mere mortals
Yay!! This Obama mama is ready for the Obamarama!!!
i like edwards, so there. :P
Hells bells, I can't stand any of 'em. I'm thinking of moving to Canada.
It turned out just the way I wanted it to Obama and Huckabee (I really wanted Ron Paul but knew that wouldn't happen). Huckabee seems less evil than the other Republicans.
I hope Obama wins.
OK, you convinced me with that nana nana boo boo bit.
I'm hoping that freakshow mannequin Romney wins the Red nomination. The religious right will never vote for a Mormon, meaning some of them may come to the blue side.
The reich has less dirt on Obama, but will probably just resort to good ol' boy racism and plays on his name.
If 'flip-flopper' can deflate Kerry, the spin doctors can do a lot worse to Obama.
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