This is the front porch of my apt. last spring...this is asshole in the bush playing jungle cat..I have pictures someplace of the yard fully in bloom and with all my tomatoes(3), peppers(4) and eggplants(2)...but can't find it..Babs and I went to grocery stores and hardware store yesterday..she got stuff to start planting already...I got stuff to make chili..I made her a pecan pie and it was the best one I ever made..I finally figured out the electric oven..hot dang!..I also got 3 20lb.bags of bird seed for $11...fat bastid birds..I have to go to house of Satan today...Babs refuses to go...I go in the afternoon, people be damned..she goes before 8am when there are no people..I strive on conflict where she avoids it..We also went to the $1 store..I got this neat spice rack for $2...holds 8 glass jars..it's really pretty..on a lazy Susan type rack..I may go back and get one for Jenny...this one was supposed to be for her..but I kept it..I bought 3 little stuffed animals ..one sings you are my sunshine, which I will give to Jenny as it is the song I used to sing to her when she was a baby...The one I got for Jamie is 'jump around'...I got one for me..you press it on the hand and it says 'I like to move it move it..i like to move it move it....move it...'..cracks me up..I was playing them in the store and David's daughter Sara works there and came over and took them away from me as I was setting them all off and dancing to the songs'...she just shakes her head and walks off.She's trying to figure out how to get permission from her mom to go to Galveston (the coast) for spring break..told her to take me for a chaperon...boy she has that eye rolling thing down perfect..She said she had an invite to go from some cool people and an invite from some not so cool people..and didn't know how to tell them no with out hurting their feelings or making them mad..I said..'easy..just tell them your Daddy won't let you go..blame it on the parents, it works all the time'...she was thinking about it and Babs says:'tell them you have crabs'....Sara's head popped up and she said 'crabs?'....Cracked me up....That Babs has some twisted ideas..
I'm trying to figure out if I want to make another pecan pie or brownies...both were very good, but think Babs really liked the pecan pie...I get to taste a little but give most of it to her..I like to bake and can't bake for me as it's a lot to do for just one piece...so Babs gets to benefit from my baking..
Well, I have to go to the library, as I'm out of reading material..I read Dean Koontz new book and loved it...he has such a love for golden retrievers and they star in this book.I also read Steven Colbert's book "I am America (And So Can You!)....very very strange...I like his tv show better...
I also have to go pick up Inky and Anessa's son Devin after school..he has to walk and it's just to damn cold for him to walk that far, so will go take him home..It's nasty cold for West,Texas and very windy so we are all hunkered down waiting for the cold snap to unsnap...
I have a post coming up about shooting marbles..Which most of you are too young to know any thing about...But most of you old farts will remember..Gotta go....
I would love to go to the store with you. You are such a hoot. Babs sounds like twice the trouble. Before my Ex and I would enter a store like that she would make me promise in the car that I wouldn't fuck with all the toys. I would look at her all serious and say..no worries I am not in the mood. Ha...she stormed out of the store more than once.
I would like the damnass recipe too!
WP loves his chilli.
I tried Pecan Pie over Thanksgiving- I wasn't that impressed its a bit sickly- now pumpkin pie I could live on though!
Oh, please talk someone into letting you chaperone their trip over spring break. I can imagine how great you would be as a chaperone. If you don't blog about it, we'll probably read about it in Texas papers.
sage:yeah, babs is catching on fast...
buddha and pixie:I will send you or maybe a post of my chili recipe...i just tasted it and it rocks..'
jan:i think that would be soo much fun...i think i would make a great chaperon.i don't drink but i did for long enough that i would know all the sneaky tricks they could play..but sara doesn't drink either, so that would make it easier..
Brownies! Brownies! Brownies!!!!!
oooh no - now I have a craving...
I use to shoot marbles, had to give it up, made my veins lumpy.
If you were the chaperone the parents of West would ask the school to stay in session so there would be no spring break. I have a feeling your reputation would proceed you.
You say it's too cold to walk there. What is it about 50? It's 16 degrees right now here with some snow promised for this morning. Had to scrape the ice off the inside off my windows before I could drive home.
I loved the new Koontz book. The Colbert book I feel the same as you. I just don't think it worked the way he hoped.
I've been re-reading the Odd Thomas books but they are on hold now. Stephen King has a new book out called Duma Key. I bought it the second I saw it. It looks to have a little more depth than Cell. I hate pecans. :)
kali:and they were soo good..gooy chewy...
tex:I laughed so hard i think i hurt myself..ha
nitwit:yeah, i know parent giving me permission to be a chaperon is a long shot at best..
we're a bunch of pussies..actually it's been colder than 50...it the low 30's and man the sun is shing today..but it's still cold out..high is supposed to be in the 40's..I can't imagine living some place where it was that cold..
i just told nancy yesterday aboutthe new stephen king book..she's going to order it but may take a week or so..I may go buy it and then donate it to the library..I really did love the dean koontz book..i'm still broke up by the death of his dog trixie..een though she still writes the news letter from 'the other side'....
the colbert book was a flop in my view...
Asshole looks so mischievious playing jungle cat. Super cute!
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