I am having trouble remembering 1986....I really started to get serious about my drinking about then..I thought I had healed some from Daddy's death..but not!...I was the queen of denial.in more ways than one.I cranked it up into overdrive..Had eased on from the occasional black out to an every night deal..My jobs were getting fewer and fewer and none were in areas where it took any skill or my expertise...I took what ever job I could and worked it until I didn't go to work that morning.I was beginning to suffer from agraphobia..harder and harder to get out of the house...then I was at work at a family owned I-HOP type resturant as a cook...I'm a great grill cook...and on the way to the back carrying a pan of grease from grease trap I slipped in the grease and hit my tail bone(L-4-5) and ended up with back surgery for ruptured disc...So got some money from workman's comp for that and between the pain pills, rum and cokes backed up with Lone Star...that year and the next is pretty fucking hazzy... For some reason I manage to haul my ass to the movie and saw Platoon, probably only good thing I did that year...Some of the news events I remember ..some I don't..some of the music I remember..some I don't..some times I felt like a nut...some times I didn't...
President Reagan froze the assests of Lybia in the U.S. The Supreme Court bars racial bias in trial jury selection.Voyage11 spacecraft reports secrets of Uranus.(and my anus and everyone else's anus..sorry I couln't resist)I do remember this world event..when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded after launch at Cape Canaveral,Florida. All seve
n of the astronaughts were killed.That was a heartbreaker...President Marcos fled the Philippines after ruling for 20years.Corazon Aquino was elected to succeed him.
Austrian President Kurt Waldheim's service as a nazi officer was revealed(like that was some big surprise..everyone over the age of 65 at that time in Austria or Germany was a fucking nazi..I never believed all that shit about we had to be a naz
i..we were only following orders...sounds like George Bush's bunch).ohhh that should get me some mail.
Halley's comet yeield information on it's return trip. U.S planes attack Libyan 'terrorist centers.'Desmond Tutu elected archbishop in South Africa.Something else I remember through my veil
of alcohol....The nuclear accident at Chervobyhl Power Station.That scared the shit out of the world...and we are still seeing the returns from that little Russian gift.
The Supreme Court affirms abortion rights.Why does no one remember this about Reagan? The World Court rules U.S. broke international law in mining Nicaraguan waters.that old fucker.Congress approves immigration bill barring hiring of illegal aliens, with amesty provision.(fuckity fuck fuck fuck).
Reagan signs $11.7 billion budget reduction measure.He approves sweeping revision of U.S. Tax Code.
The Democrats triumph in elections, gaining 8 seats to win Senate..Which leads to: Secret initiative to send arms to Iran revealed(fucking Reagan and that bunch of misfits).Reagan of course denies exchanging arms for hostages and halts arms sale.Diversion of funds from arms sales to Nicaraguan Contras revealed.(liar liar's pants on fire)
So the year was almost saved by the music..I have to admit..i
t's getting a little better.....like...'Burning heat'by Survivor,'That's what friends are for'by Dionne Warwick and friends,'On my own'by Patti LaBelle and Michael McDonald,'Addicted to Love'by Robert Palmer,'Kiss' and 'Mountain'by Prince,'R.O.C.K. in the USA'by
John Cougar Mellencamp,'Everyone have fun tonight'by Wang Chung,'Living in America'by James Brown,'Why can't this be love, Love walks in and Dreams'by Van Halen,'Walk this way'by RUN DMC and Arrowsmith,'Conga and Words get in the way'by Miami Sound Machine,'Walk like an Egyptian'by The Bangles,'Take my breath away'by Berlin,'The Sweetest Tabu'by Sade,'A matter of trust and Modern Woman'by Billy Joel,'You give Love a Bad Name'by Bon Jovi,'Dancing on the Ceili
ng'by Lionel Richie,'All I need is a miracle'by Mike and the Mechanics,'How will I know and Greatest Love of all'by Whitney Houston,'French kissing in the USA',by Debby Harry,'The Future's so bright I gotta wear shades'by Timbuk3,'Sledgehammer'by Peter Gabriel,'Funky Town'by Pseudo Echo,'Higher Love'by Steve Winwood,'Danger Zone'by Kenny Loggins,'Glory of Love'by Peter Cetera,'Got my mind set on you'by George Harrison,'Lady In Red'by Chris De Burge,'Venus'by Bananarama,'Living on a prayer'by Bon Jovi,and 'Walk of Life'by Dire Straits.....not tooo shabby..
'Live to tell, Papa Don't Preach,and La Isla Bonita' by Madonna,'Take me home tonight'by Eddie Money,'He's Back'by Alice Cooper,'Rock me Amadeus'by Falco,'Locked In'by Judas Priest,'Hip to Be Square'by Huey Lewis and the News,'If you l
eave'by OMD,'Mad about you'by Brenda Carlisle,'Harlem Shuffle'by The Stones( I liked that one),'Hey,You'by Divine,'Like a Rock'by Pete Seger,'Love Touch'by Rod Stewart,'Manic Monday'by The Bangles,'Move Away'by Culture Club,'War and My Hometown'by Bruce Springsteen,'What have you done for me lately,When I think of you and Nasty'by Janet Jackson..I liked that one too...'Notorious'by Duran Duran,'Real wild child'by Iggy Pop,'Rough Boy'by ZZ Top,'Ruthless People'by the Rolling Stones,'That Was then, this is now'by the Monkeys,'The Way it is'by Bruce Hornsby and the Rangers,'Turbo Love'by Judas Priest and last but not least.
...'True Blue'by Madonna...Bringing up the rear with country was 'Hurt'by Juice Newton,'Happy Happy Birthday,
Baby'by Ronnie Milsap,'Ain't Misbehavin''by Hank Williams,
jr.'Just Another Love'by Tanya Tucker,'Guitars and Cadillacs'by Dwight Yoakam,and as I always like to say'On the Other Hand'by Randy Travis...
This maybe one of the suckiests years yet...but that is only cause I can't remember what happened in 1987 either...Think this is when the granddaughters started showing up...Ahhh, grandkids...they were what caused me to quit drinking...too bad I couldn't have quit for my kids..
Ah jeeeeeez! I sometimes like doing these post's and sometimes I don't...I don't want you to know all my evil little secrets...but here goes anyhow..(thanks Donna)
1.Things that scare me:evangelical christians, rightwing republicans,people that still think Forest Gump is a good president and those little yappy fucking dogs.
2.People who make me laugh: apos,babs, sooner, Peter Sellers,
David Letterman,H.Allen Smith,Janet Evanovich,and me.
3.Things I don't understand:math,how planes fly,how we REALLY got here,why all the men on tv are fat and stupid and are married to goodlooking smart women,how so many people were taken in by Forest Gump and still think he's an ok President, and how Howie Mandell got his own tv show..
4.Things I am doing right now..Listening to a oldies but goodies radio station, partly listening to the tv, doing this stupid thing, and feeling the urge to go pee.
5..(going to go pee..be right back)ahhh!
Things I can do:play a mean game of pool, cook up some good grub,pick winners in football(I'm 32-14-2 so far and it's only preseason),drive in reverse as well as I can forward,tint paint and stain by eye,train dogs by silent jestures and laugh at myself.
6.Ways to describe my personality:I'm a scorpio...I will be your best friend or worse enemy...it's all up to you..I know that it isn't nice to admit this but if you mess with someone I love...I'll make your life a living hell..and smile while doing it...even if it takes me the rest of your or my life, I'm loyal to those I love.I don't take friendship lightly.
7.Things I can't do: math,find out how to get rid of the zombie that has hijacked my browser and using it to send out spam...any electrical work.
8.People I think you should listen to:Molly Ivins,Leo,Nit-wit
Waywrong,Willie Nelson,and Me.
9.People you should never listen to:any of those rightwing psycho's on Fox..you know who they are...fuckem...
10.Things I would like to learn:how to play a musical instrument,another language,how to knit,and how to sing without scaring dogs.
11.Favorite foods:..meat, seafood,all salads,Dublin Dr.Pepper, and Bluebell Icecream.
12.Beverages I drink regularly:Dr.Pepper, ice tea, water, kool-aid with sweet and low,and hot tea.
13.TV Shows I watched as a kid:Howdy Doody, Andy's Gang,(plunk your magic twanger Froggie) Lassie,Little Rascals,Lone Ranger, Hoppalong Cassidy,Roy Rogers,Wild Bill Hichcock,and The Cisco Kid and Pancho.
so...ya know enough about me now?...2 days to westfest...
This was quite a year for me...I was still working at Payless Cashway's and enjoying it as much as anyone could enjoy a job...I was doing great in the paint dept..we were doing good business and I would again like to thank Sears for that..They would sell people cheap paint, not tell them how to use it and I would get the job of selling them good paint and teach them how to prep and apply...I even went to the paint department in Sears one day and told the guy working there that he was responsible for 5 jobs for me that week..as he had fucked them all up and then they came to me and I set them straight..He said I was crazy..told him ....'yes I am...but at least I know how to do my job asshole'....laughed all the way out of the store...My only problem was people were not happy with the fact that I didn't have to work Sunday's...and no nights unless it was once in awhile and although I didn't blame them...that was the deal they made to get me...Told them from the beginning..my daughter came before the job...they were find with it..until my new floor manager decided he liked someone else for my job and he complained so much about it they said I would have to work every other Sunday...I had just found out from my Dr. that I needed to have a hysterectomy...I had been having the all too familiar problems and he said it needed to be done and done fast...so I told the job I had to have the operation and when I got back I would work every other Sunday...(yeah right)..so had my operation..took my six week's off to recoup..and on the first Sunday I was supposed to work..
I didn't show...when the asshole who had instigated the deal so his friend could get in called me and wondered where I was. I said:"hey asshole?....take this job and shove it...I don't work for you no more"....I would just stay home and be with MJ and Bill..David had moved in with his soon to be wife and Thom was gone half the time with his soon to be wife..so I just stayed home and drank and watched MTV with MJ and Bill...Bill actually liked VH-1 better..The last time I had sex was that summer and I had the operation in Nov. so I always refered to myself as being like a 1943 Chevy with a new motor...so it has been 21 years since I have had sex..do I miss it????..nah
I can go 21 years without sex..I can go 21 years without booze, I can go 21 years without cigarettes...but I can't go 21 days without Dr.Pepper...
My favorite thing to do the last part of 1985 was put a cooler ful
l of Lone Star in my little blue jeep and Bill and I would drive to West and just ride around in the country, drink beer and listen to my radio..my only problem is my singing and someone screaming like they were being stabbed to death sounded the same to Bill...and when I would sing he would jump on the floor board and stick his head under the seat..everyone's a critic..But if I thought it was a crappy year f
or me....the rest of you had it bad too, with Ronald Reagan being sworn in for another term...8 years of that asshole...My cousin Bruce thinks he is the greatest human that ever lived...now you know why I don't want to go to the reunions...I think I am the only Democrat..and with my short fuse..I know one day.....'snap...pow..bang'..
To top it off Margaret Thatcher addressed Congress, endorsing Reagan's politics..USSR leader Chernenko dies at 73, and is replaced by Mikhail Gorbachev, 54. Judas Priest..they went through a leader a year there for awhile..and while I know they were all old...don't ya think maybe they were helped along...????
P.L.O. terrorists hijacked Achelli Lauro, Italian cruise ship, with 80 passangers,plus crew.American Leon Klinghoppler was killed.President Reagan and Prime Minister Gorbachev meet at summit..There was more news...but truthfully..it sucks...so on to the music...''A view to a kill'by Duran Duran, 'Don't you forget about me'by Simple Minds,'Angel, Crazy f
or you,Dress you up,Gambler, Into the Groove and Material Girl'by Madonna,'Miami Vice Theme'by Jan Hammer,'One more night'by Phil Collins,'Only the young'by Journey,'Loverboy'by Billy Ocean,'Money for nothing'by Dire Straits,'Jealous Guy'by John Lennon,'I want to know what love is,'by Foreigner,'Indianapolis'by Medudo,'Oh, Sheila'by Ready For The World,'Born in the USA, Glory Days,I'm Going Down and I'm on Fire',by Bruce Springste
en,'Broken wings'by Mr. Mister,'Brother in arms'by Dire Straits,'Can't fight the feeling and one lonely night'by REO Speedwagon,'Centerfield'by John Fogerty,'Close to me and In between days', by The Cure,'Dancing in the Street'by David Bowie and Mick Jagger,'Dirty Old Town'by The Pogues,'Don't come around here anymore', by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers,'Don't loose my number'by Phil Collins,'Everybody
wants to rule the world and Head over heels'by Tears for Fears,'Everthing she wants'by Wham,'Everytime she wants'by Paul Young,'Fortress Around your heart and If you love somebody set them free'by Sting,'Find a way'by Amy Grant,'Freeway of love'by Aretha Franklin,'The heat is on'by Glenn Frey,'Heaven'by Bryan Adams,'How soon is now'by The Smiths,and who could forget the most fabulous wonderful peice of music ever.....'Party All The Time'by Eddie Murphy.??????? Then there was 'Part Time Lover'by Stevie Wonder,'Private Dancer'by Tina Turner,'The Power of Love'by Huey Lewis and the Ne
ws,'Saving all my love for you'by Whitney Houston,'Say you, Say me'by Lionel Richie,'Shout'by Tears for Fear,'Some heads are gonna roll'by Judas Priest,'Some Like it Hot'by Power Station,'Summer of '69 and Somebody'by Bryan Adams,'Spanish Eddie'by Laura Branigan,'Sussudio'by Phil Collins,'Take on me'by A-Ha,'the Big Money'by Rush,'Walk like a man'by Divine,'We Are The World'by USA For Africa(remember the video of that?...,'We built this city'by Jefferson Starship,'West End Girls'by Pet Shop Boys,'Wise Up'by Amy
Grant,'Voices Carry'by 'Til Tuesday( I liked that song).'All she wants to do is dance and the Boys of Summer'by Don Henley,'Sea of Love'by The Honey Drippers,'Walking on Sunshine'by Katrina and the Waves,'Jungle Love'by The Time,'You Give Good Love'by Whitney Houston..and last but not least a pair by the wild boy himself...Just a Gigilo and California Girls'..by David Lee Roth...
I was s
till listning to Country and Willie and Ray Charles had a beautiful song'Seven Spanish Angel's'..The Judds had 'Why Not Me'...'Lost in
the 50's'by Ronnie Milsap, 'Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes'by George 'no show'Jones.and the beginning
of a great band called the Highwaymen...they sang an even greater song'Highwayman'...mabye the best group of singers and pickers ever..Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, \Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson.You just don't get any better than that...by by '85...
HOLY SHIT....there is ...stuff falling from the sky..it's wet...and it's clear...and it is cool and it's....wait... what?..it's..no it can't be..can it?...Oh sweet Goddess...it is...it's RAIN....Fuck me I'll never rain dance again...Yup folks..it's raining in West, Texas...not a lot and not hard but by golly...it's rain...rained last night and rained this morning... Last night I had the house all closed up with a/c blaring and I smelled it..threw open the door and was shocked...it was rain...turned a/c off opened the doors and windows cranked up all the fans and just sat back and enjoyed...more lightning and thunder than actual rain.But it was rain..and we are supposed to get some for the next day or so...but I'm not falling for that..they have been promising us that every weekend for 3 weeks...bastids...it has quit now..but is still cloudy out and hope it will continue..I am working for Henrietta today at library..she has grandkids that play ball so she wants to go watch them and I will keep the home fires going...so probably won't get to 1985 till tomorrow...it was a weird year for me..I'm beginning to think maybe you guys might be right...might make for a good book..need to figure out how I go about doing that.. I will have to change up some names...although I will still refer to husbands as asshole #1, #2 and #3....and that is arranged in when I married them..not as a ranking..cause if I was ranking them...well they are all pretty rank....gotta go...still running around in tshirt and drawers and it's almost 2pm...but it's coool...inside and out...thank you Goddess....
Yes folks it's that time of year again...Sept 1,2 and 3...the holy trinity....Every things starts with Westfest Preview Party beginning at 6:30pm Sept 1st at the festival grounds..I still wish they would have the old street dance like they used to..it was so much fun and it was free..There are 8 young ladies vieing for the coveted Miss Westfest crown, currently held by Miss Westfest Shannon Kostecka, with the pagent set to begin at 6:30pm under the East Tent on the festival grounds..
Following the crowning of the new Miss Westfest, country music singers Aaron Watson and Wade Bowen will be the entertainment under the East Tent starting at 7:30pm.
The childrens area at this year's festival is scheduled to have a special price savings offered during the Preview Party only. From 6pm until closing that Friday, child
ren attending the festival will be able to ride all the rides for $15. This price does not include the price of admission nor the price of any game..Just the rides..The price of admission for the Preview Party is $10 for adults and all childrend under age 12 are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.
On Sept.2nd, the annual Westfest Parade is set to begin on the Reagan Street side of West City Hall at 10a.m.This event winds throught the city's downtown are with West residents Ed and Dorothy Sykora to serve as the official Parade Marshals.Wes
tfest will then begin at 11a.m and continue thru 12:30am..
Tommy Muska,(he's the one that his only son was killed in car accident and they just had the first Golf Tournament in his name to raise money for his organization)director of Westfest promotions, said festival officials are making plans to try and make this year's festival as comfortable as possible, despite the summer's hot and dry weather conditions."We are attempting to have more misters and shade tents available.We will attempt to increase the number of mi
sters at the festival based on the avaliable water supply."
We will also have for the second straight year, an antique tractor pull for Sept.2nd. A traveling "ag in the classroom"program is planned for both the 2nd and 3rd.The mobile exhibit shows students from grade 1 to 6 how agriculture touches everyday lives. Five different commodities"beef, pork,wheat, corn and cotton will be represented and agriculture specialist will be available
to answer questions. There will also be 27 booths featuring various tasty, ethnic foods, hours of ethnic entertainment under the Cultural Amphitheater, over 70 arts and crafts exhibitors, along with non-stop polka music and dancing under the East and West tents..
items for the festival include Karaoke and also a Taroky Tournament is scheduled to players from the age of 16 and older.The entry fee is $20 which includes kolaches and a noon meal.There will be washer pitching and Horseshoe pitching both to be held at the Rodeo arena on Sat and Sun starting at 6pm..Let me tell you these czech's can pitch some washers and horseshoes...they are lethal..
There will be various bands playing polkas and walzes on both Sat an
d Sun.Brave Combo will be playing for the 31st year also.We are supposed to have fire works but with the dry and hot weather and shortage of water..we may have to pass on it this year..but like Tommy Muska said.."If we can't have fireworks..we'll just save 'em up till winter, grab a
couple of six packs and set them suckers off."
There is also a Kolache 500 Fun Run set for 8am sept 3rd.Also a Polka Mass will be held by Father Michael Lyons at 10:15 a.m.on Sept.3rd in the Culture Amphitheater.We also will have our annual K
olache Baking Contest for sept.3rd.For the first time they will also have a Buchta Division...cool...they are sooo good..kinda like a struddle..but not..The admission price for Sat and Sun is $7 for adults for each day and $3 for childrenaged 6-12 and senior citizens, under 6 will be admitted free if accompanied by an adult.Senior Citizens will have to ask for the discount...(no one wants to assume your a senior citizen..these old czech's will kick your ass over one year...
I will try and take pictures this year..I did last year but lost the throw away camera..I probably threw it away..
I'm just making this a Westfest edition instead of weekly West edition..wish you were all here to enjoy it..I will probably do like I usually do...stock up on food and stay in house till the whole thing is over with...come on down for Kolaches and a pevo or two...PS.....THE DANCES WITH THEIR HANDS IN THE AIR ARE DOING THE CHICKEN DANCE...

Even I can't stay home drinking and crying for ever..so I went back to work...at Payless Cashways Lumber Co..I started out as assistant manager to the paint dept..but adventually became manager.It was a match made in heaven...I was welcomed with open arms by all my vendors that I knew from Jones-Blair and my first year there I got a framed cirtificate for having a dept that made a million bucks in sales...The paint dept had never made that much in sales before and I was very proud of myself and proud of the raise I got too..I was still drinking, but with a job with the responsiblities I had I curtailed it some...I had worked out a deal with them that I would work all days and any Saturday, but no nights and no Sundays as I was not going to leave MJ alone to her own devices or have to depend on her brothers to keep an eye on her..I was the only person in the store that didn't have to work Sundays..(remember that part) and some campers were not all that happy about it. I lost 2 good friends that year, one to the same kind of cancer that Daddy had..His name was "Tennis Shoe"...I don't have a clue...but he worked at the bar I used to hang out at in West and when I would get up the next morning after he had worked I would find ashtrays, cigarette butts, bar rags, empty cans of beer, coasters,etc in my purse..I always carried a huge purse and he would toss shit in there just to fuck with me..I adored him..he was sweet, funny and a really good friend..then my best friend at the time died..Agnes...the Agnes of'I don't like it when people shit on me..but it really pisses me off when they use my hair to wipe their ass"...Agnes...she was the mother of Mike the snake handler and Inky and Pee-Wee..she was one of a kind...she always called me baby and knew that going to the hospital after Daddy died was very hard on me..so she wouldn't allow anyone to tell me she was sick and in the hospital...I really miss those two..they were special people.
My trips to West were tapering down..R. and I were pretty much over with, except for the occasional mercy fuck.More mercy on my part than his..he got more ass than a toilet seat..So..things were starting to even out...kinda...If I could just keep my damn sons from stealing my Jeep and taking it and Bill to the lake..When I finally busted them they wanted to know how I found them out...said 'Bill told me'....
In the news?...Ma Bell broke up with Ma Bell..The U.S. and Vatican exchange diplomats after 116-year hiatus..Wonder what happened 116 years ago that caused that breach and what happened in '84 to change it again?..hmmmmm
President Reagan orders U.S.Marines withdrawn from Beirut international peacekeeping force. Yuri V. Andropov dies at age 69;Konstantian U. Chernenko 72,named Soviet Union leader..Italy and Vatican agree to end Roman Catholicism as State Religion...another hmmmmm
n ends U.S. role in Beirut by relieving sixth fleet from peacekeeping force.Congress rebukes President Reagan on use of federal funds for mining Nicaraguan harbor..(bad Reagan...bad Reagan....hey...has he mentioned the word aids yet?...fuck no)Soviet Union withdraws from summer olympic games in U.S. and other bloc nations follow..(we kicked ass that year)Walter F.Mondale and Geraldine A. Ferraro are the Democr
atic hopefuls...Reagan and Forest Gump's Daddy are renominated..they adventually won by a landslide, 59%.fuckity fuck fuck fuck...
s prime minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her 2 Sikh bodyguards. 1,000 are killed in Anti-Sikh riots;Ravi her son succeeded her..
The music is a little better but still nothing to write home about...like 'Against all odds',by Phill Collins,'An Innocent Man'by Billy Joel,'All thrught the night,Time after time,She Bop, and Girls Just Want to Have Fun'by Cyndi Lauper..who was and still is one of my very favorites...Time after Time is killer....'Automatic'by Pointer Sisters,'Better Be Good To Me'by Tina Turner,'Big city nights'by The Scorpions,'Borderline,Like a Virgin and Lucky Star'by Madonna,'Blue Jean'by David Bowie,'Careless Whispers'by Wham,'Caribbean Queen'by Billy Ocean,'Cherry on Baby'by UB40,'Cover me and Dancing in the Dark'by Bruce Springsteen,'Crazy'by Kenny Rogers,'Cruel summer'by Bananarama,'Dance Hall Days'by Wang Chung','Doctor Doctor, and Hold me now'by Thompson Twins','Drive'by the Cars,'
Footloose'by Kenny Loggins,'Ghostbusters'by Ray Parker,jr.,'Hammer to fall,I want to break free,It's a hard life,and Radio GAGA'by Queen.'Heaven's on fire'by KISS,'Here comes the rain again'by Eurythmics,'High as Emotion'by Chris De Burgh,'I scare myself'by Thomas Dolby,'One love/people get ready'by Bob Marley and the Wailers,'No more lonely nights'by Paul McCartney,'One night in Bangkok',by Murray Head,'Missing you'by John Waits,'Original Sin'by INIX,'Lights out'by Peter Wolf,'Locomotion'by OMD,'Lets go crazy and Purple Rain'by Prince,'Jump and Panama'by Van Halen,'Jokerman'by Bob Dylan,'It's a miracle,Miss me blind,Mistake#3 and the War Song'by Cult
ure Club,'I want to know what love is'by Foreigner and oooohhhhoooohh 'The heart of Rock and Roll,I wanna new drug and If this is it'by Huey Lewis and the News..who I always refered to as Huey Dewey and Louie and the gang..'People are people'by Depeche Mode,'Pride(in the name of love)by U2,'Torture'by Michael
Jackson,'Round and Round'by Ratt,'Run to you'by Byran Adams,'Self Control,Ti Amo, and the Lucky One'by Laura Branigan,'Seven Seas,'by Echo and the Bunnymen,'The longest time'b
y Billy Joel,'Smooth Operator'by Sade,'So tired'by Ozzy,'Somebody's watching me'by Rockwell,'Some guys have all the luck'by Rod Stewart,'The Power of love and Two Tribes'by Frankie Goes To Hollywood,'The Reflex and the Wild Boys'by Duran Duran,'Wake me up before
you go go'by Wham,'We Belong'by Pat Benetar,'We Rock'by Dio,'What's love got to do with it'by Tina Turner,'Lets go crazy and When doves cry'by Prince,'You might thing'by Cars,'Your love is king'by Sade,'Luffballons'by Nena,'I feel for you'by Chaka Kahn,'I just called to say I love you'by Stevie Wonder,'Let's hear it for the boys'by Denise
Williams,'Dancing in the Dark'by Bruce Springsteen,'She was hot'by the Rolling Stones,'Shout'by Tears for Fears and last but not least TV Dinners and Legs'by ZZ Top.....There are two songs here that remind me of a semi funny story..when I worked at Payless I kept having trouble with one of the ding bats in the office..she cost me more time and the store more money then anyone there...after endless days of fixing her fuckups and running out of patience I laid into her and tore her a new one...which brought on a round of why's, I'm sorry etc...finally she said 'I just don't think you like me'.....(ya think?) why don't you like me..(cause your fucking stupid...stupid..) running all the things I couldn't say through my head..I finally said..'What's your favorite song?' and she thought for a minute and said 'I just called to say I love you'by S
tevie Wonder....I said..'See, that's our problem ..my favorite song is'What's Love Got To Do With It'by Tina Turner..
and walked off.
Country music had some good songs too:'To all the gir
ls I've loved before'by Willie and Julio Iglesias,'That's the Way Love Goes'by Merle Haggard,'The Yellow Rose'(theme from the tv show The Yellow Rose)...which was soooo good, and they jerked off the air...by Johnny Lee and Lane Brody,'Mama He's Crazy
and Why Not Me'by The Judds and 'City of New Orleans'by Willie Nelson...and Ernest Tubb died on Sept.6th...sad day in country..The Texas Trubador......
so another year goes slip sliding away....