Actually I wanted to be a Cowboy...and this is the one I wanted to ride with.....
That's Hopalong Casidy with his Horse Topper..
That's Jackiesue...getting ready to ride the range and shoot me some bad guys...I think I was 7..I wore this outfit till it was faded and ragged..If I could find an outfit just like it today that would fit....I'd wear it..
Have you tried E-bay ;-}
i'm sure someone in china could make you a new outfit for a a buck or two.
I say that between the two of us, we could find fabric and a pattern...and have Lorna make one for you. She'll also sew one for Obert as well. You two can be twins this summer. What do ya think?
Look at you!!!!!
What a cute, cute smile! :)
cind:wow, who knew ole hoppy's stuff would be so expensive..dang
billy:I didn't get to where I am today by wearing stuff made by the chinese..
(to quote my zen master)
buddhagirl:what a great idea..but when we play cowoboys and indians I get to be hoppy...
bigpissy:and the grin reamains the same..
I got a sewin' machine, sweetie. send me the fabric and your measurements and we'll have you suited up in no time. ;-)
I used to be a cowgirl, outfit, horse cows and all. Damn, that was a long time ago.
I'd try again but I bet if I rode a horse for hours like I used to I'd have to lay in bed for a week to reover, this tired old body ain't what it used to be
hey! another thing we have in common... i still have a hat and i ride horses when i can, but no one will give me a gun and i can't afford the boots!!!
I told you he came from here. I went to the same Elementary school he went to. As a thank you to the town he bought and had built a giant playground for the school.
If you get to be a Cowgirl will you compete in the rodeo?
Now didn't we all want to be cowboys. I loved Roy Rogers, till he got Dale, then all he did was hang out at the cafe with her all day.
rocky:if I can find somesort of pattern..your on...have to make 2 though as buddhaboy will have to have his too..ha
junebugg:I went through a stage when I was little where it was more fun to be the horse..I would paw the ground with my feet, snort and whinny, toss my head and whip my hair around and run off in to the sunset...I WAS THE BLACK STALLION...then I was Lana of the Jungle for a while..I never liked being Jane of Tarzan and Jane..I wanted to be Tarzan...or maybe Boy...gee..I was a weird kid..ha
angel:you'll have to come to texas..you'd fit right in.
nitwit:if I get the hopalong casidy outfit, I will enter the rodeo..will ride antonio banderas till he drops..
Oh I wanted to be a cowboy so bad. Once my parents figured that out though they took anything boyish away from me...so no more cowboy hats with wranglers. I still fancy the cowgirls though, not to be one but to be on top of one...ha.
Did you ever want to be Sky King?
You look like Dale Evans.
You look like a total firecracker, which you clearly still are, so who needs the cute suit? you're always struttin' your inner cowgirl!
i LOVE this!
you look adorable.
sageweb:I never outgrew the tomboy stage...I'm still a 9 year old cowgirl at heart..
hmm, I know some gay cowboys but no gay cowgirls..although waco has a very large gay community,especially considering the disapproving baylor baptists...
christie:nope..sky king had a plane, I was more interested in horses..i'm still in love with randolph scott..
Jan:them would have been fighing words back then..I didn't like Dale Evans..she tamed Roy Rogers...
elizabeth:yeah, the inner cowgirl/cowboy is still alive and well...kicking badguys asses and raising hell.
kalibitch:i was kinda cute..
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