I hope that you are as pissed off about
this post as I was while gathering the
material to do it.Let me tell you..this
is only part of what's out there..I just
got tired of copying it ..there were
hundreds of
different articles on contaminated food, gluten,
and other products from mainland China...this is just a tip of
the ice berg...The first part
is from an article in the DAM News...
the rest is from articles I found
by googling contaminated Chinese
Stopping contaminated products from
entering U.S. may prove difficult.
Washington..Dried apples preserved with a cancer-causing chemical.
Frozen catfis
h laden with banned antibiotics.
Scallops and sardines coated
with putrefying bacteria.
Mushrooms laced with illegal pesticides.
These were among the 107 food imports
from China that the Food and Drug
Administration detained at U.S. ports
just last month, agency documents reveal,
along with more than 1,000 shipments of
tainted Chinese diatary supplements,
toxic Chinese cosmetics and counterfeit
Chinese medicines.
For years,U.S.inspection records show,
China has flooded the U.S. with foods
unfit for human consumption.And for
years, FDA inspectors have simply
returned to Chinese importers the small
portion of those productsthey caught-many
of which turned up at U.S. borders again,
making a second or third attempty at entry.
Now the confluence of two events-the highly publicized contamination of U.S. chicken,
pork and fish with tainted Chinese pet
food ingredients and this week's resumption
of high-level economic and trade talks with China-has activists and members of Congress demanding that the U.S. tell China it is
fed up.
Dead pets and melamine-tainted food notwithstanding, change will proved
difficult, policy experts say, in
large part because U.S.companies ha
ve become so dependent on the Chinese economy.
"So man
y U.S. companies are directly or indirectly involved in China now,
the commercial interest
of the United States these days has become to allow imports to come in as quickly and smoothly as possible," said Robert Cassidy, a former assistant U.S. trade representative for China and now director of international trade and services for Kelley
Drye Collier Shannon, a
Washington law firm.
The Cabinet-level "strategic economic
dialogue" with China, which began in
September and is scheduled to resume
Wednesday, was described early on as a
chance for the U.S. and China to break a longstanding stalemate on trade issues.
When it comes to the safety of imported
foods, though, they may highlight the
limited leverage that the U.S. currently
has.(The Washington Post)
So, let me see if I get the picture....we're fucked ....because China is holding us by the balls of Wal-Mart,K-Mart,Hormel,General Motors,Ford Motors,Effern Foods,East Balt
Bakery(buns for McDonalds),Caterpillar,
Allergen, Sprint,Nabisco,Nestle,Nike,
Proctor and
Gamble, Purina,UPS,Baskin Robins,Time Warner,Xerox,Bud's Icecream,Coke,
Texas Instruments,Lockheed-Martin,Westinghouse,General
American Soy Bean Assoc.,At&T,Bama
Food Processing,Pepsi,SW Bell,and many
many many more...Now ...do you think any
of the CEO's of these companpany's give a
big rat's ass how many pets die, or how
many people die from contaminated products imported from China?...We all know the
answer to that is a big fat fuck no..
the bottom line is the green stuff..
not American lives..
These are some of the articles I googled
about contaminated imports from China.
9/1/05 Cancer causing chemicals detected in massive imports of Chinese freshwater fish triggered a health scare in South Korea.This prompted the South Korean's to issue warnings
to consumers to stay away from all Chinese
food imports.
8/28/02-U.S. discovered bulk imports of contaminated Chinese honey.Some of the seized honey tested positive for chloramphenical, an antibiotic used, in most cases,only to treat life-threatening infections in humans when
other alternatives are not available. The
honey had been transhipped illegally through third-party countries on its way from China
to the U.S.
U.S. customs found the US-bound Chinese bulk honey was trashipped through Australia,Mexico,Malaysia,Thailand, Vietnam
and other nations to evade US AD orders.
4/30/07 FDA enforcing a new import alert that greatly expands its curtailment of some good ingredients imported from China, authorizing everything from noodles to breakfast bars.
The move reflects the FDA's growing unease
with what the alert announcement called China's"manufacturing control issues" and the country's inability to ascertain that controls are in place to prevent food contmination.
Inspectors are NOW allowed to detain vegetable protein imports from China because they contain melamine. Melamine used in the manufacturing of plastics,was found in the wheat gluten and rice protein concentrate that has led tothe recall of 5,300 pet products. Aproximately 1,950 cats and 2,200 dogs died after eating contaminated food.
7/16/2002--Japan food companies are moving to stop importing some vegetables from China after findings showed that some chinese-grown spinach contained excessive agricultural chemicals.
Japan's Health Ministry made the public aware that a Chinese diet pill killed one woman and 22 others suffered serious liver problems.The pill was found to contain illegal components such as
fenfluramine, a regulated poison withdrawn in 1977 after evidence showed it can damage heart valves when consumed with other slimming agents.
US recalls of consumer goods for the year 2005--
US recalls of consumer goods for the
year 2006-
other 23%
Ahhhhhh crap!...There are just too many to list..I'm getting a cramp in my neck and my fingers are sore from pounding on the keys..pisses me off so bad...
All I can say is...write, phone your congressman, your representives, and
that you think will listen..this needs
I am jumping off my soap box now...my
ass hurts..But I do suggest that you
start looking on the labels of products
that you buy...Lots of company's make
the food in China and ship it to us.are the ingredients made there? or here?...someone
needs to find out...I am going to start
eating nothing but coconuts..figure
contaminates can't get through the shell