.......ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD.......
I was on line reading my emails when I gor one from MOJO and said she was trying to call me and if I wanted to talk to get off the computer...so I did..we spent nearly 3 hours catching up..it was blissfull....really....she is taking a vacation to go see her Grandma in New Mexico for a week and then coming to Texas to visit with the rest of her family. Her Grandma is 83 and she wants to see her and Iam glad of that..her Grandma loves her very much and has been there for her and Iam glad she has her in her life.She was talking about how everyone was volunteering to pick her up but no one had decided for sure.....so I said I can come up in the truck..have brand new tires and going to get a oil change so sholdn't be a problem. Also said I could make sure I had plenty of library books, food etc. so that I wouln't need the truck and she could take it and wouldn't have to depend on people picking her up and taking her where she wanted to go and could leave when she wanted to....So that will work out for her...No biggy, I have plenty of people that can take me here in West if I do need to get anything...and would feel better knowing she had transportation so she could come and go as she pleased...I don't worry about her coming back and being around her friends who are still drinking as she is strong in that regard, but I know she will be around them and will feel the need to get the fuck away from them too, and knowing she can leave when she wants will make her feel better and me too...She rescued a pit..his name is pepper...he was abused and most likely fought and is about 4 years old..she is doing very well with him..and I'm so proud of her for taking on the responsability of giving him a good loving home...Bailey did pass on and we didn't talk about that much..We just had a great great phone call and just so glad I will get to see her...I have missed her so much...life is good...just hope the Goddess sees fit to make the weather nice and spring like for her while she is here..all that cool weather in San Francisco has got her spoilt..and the heat always did knock her out..so it would be nice if it was good weather for her visit...to other news.....
I got a email from my friend Mary Duty in Waco, who with her and her husband own the best pizza parlor in Waco, Texas and also the headquarters for our county for geting Kinky elected and gathering signitures for him...anyhow..the email said for people who would like to show their support for our country while they do their boycott Monday and wearing white for solidarity...that if we could wear red or blue and shop like a mother fucker on Monday..those were not exactly her words...I sorta rewrote the intent of the email...what we are being asked to do is...wear red or blue and shop for your mothers day presents, fathers day presents, birthday presentss, early Christmas etc..on Monday..and let the stores know..your are doing it in reply to the boycott...I am...and hope you do too....Iam wearing a red tshirt and thinking about going to my friend who is the local artist and sign painter in town and see if he will make me up a sign that says "shop on Monday to boycott the boycott"....which is better than my "wetbacks go home" sign I had considered.........sooooooo wear red or blue and shop till you drop.......
I am so glad to hear about Mojo!!! And I am VERY glad you are changing your sign!!!!
Everyone needs a friend like you in their life! MOJO is lucky to have you.
Sounds like you got a play for tomorrow. I need to hit town, the critters are out of food. That means I've gotta get up a little earlier, I usually sleep until time to go to work. Ah, the joys of working 12 swing shift.........
*plan* damn it. I'm at work, trying to type and do 3 other things at the same time. Sorry
Glad Mojo is coming to visit you.
I'd watch it if I were you, Gumps new chief of staff says the white house needs to get there Mojo back. I'm sure they have someone else in mind. Glad she's coming for a visit.
I do watch TV. It's on all the time but I don't watch the new stuff.
I would have to go to Walmart to shop til I drop and they seem to like illegal alien a lot. I also need to get my sleep or I( will be cranky.
I hope your visit with Mojo goes well. It is nice to see old friends here and there. My son already has been out shopping this morning and I am going out shortly. I covered it pretty well, blue jeans and a red shirt.
ahh yer a good mom...nothing worse than being without a means of transport...when is she coming js?
ryc...i'm glad you liked it ;)
I'm glad to hear that! About Mojo I mean! You two will have a great time together.
Hell yeah... I'm shoppin tonight. Need a couple pairs of shoes. LOL... you know, the only people that go to the Hispanic businesses are Hispanics, and illegal immigrant Hispanics... so what good is their boycott doing?
Glad MoJo is coming to town...just like a good mother making sure she has a way around where she's not stuck for a ride. That's the problem when I go to Bermuda, it's hard to get around without a car and I hate asking people to do me favours (yes I know I hate to put people out). Chris always offers his car but I forget how to drive on the left hand side and I can't afford to buy him a new car. I wanted to go to Wallyworld to get Max a few outfits just to be buying,but at the end of the day I could hardly put one foot ahead of the other :o(
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