All sorts of stuff going on here in West, By Goddess, Texas. First of all..the most important news..Bold Springs Baptist Church is making hamburgers starting at 11 a.m. on April 5. I have putt my self on a strict diet so I'm not sure I will allow myself to go and get me one. But then Goddess knows I'm weak and it's just a fucking hamburger..sigh*
JCDA Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday at the Community Center. The Easter Bunny will be there so the kids can have their picture taken. I wonder if the Bunny will get pissed off if I hop aboard?
Hippity hoppity happy Easter Day.
The City is asking for survey information so we can apply for a Texas Parks and Wildlife Outdoor Recreational Grant. I'm for sure getting in on this. The survey will be for:
Baseball/Softball complex with picnic pavilions and playgrounds.
Walking/jogging bike trails
Tennis courts
Track Field
We already have an excellent baseball complex with 3 fields. I think they could just add on the picnic pavilions and play grounds to the side of it which is just a big ole field.
I like the idea of the walking/jogging and bike trails.
We're still having the Mayfest on 21-22. Along with a Cowboy Bean Cooking competition and we're also going to have a Farmers Market. Which I hope is better than it was last year. Maybe I'll have better luck with my little garden and can sell or swap my veggies..Yeah, right.
We have some engagements. Savannah Mae Kutscherousky is engaged to Aaron Blake Fullerton and will be married at St. Mary's on April 24. Laci Rae Lynn Horton is engaged to Joshua David Jirasek and will be married May 8 at the First Baptist Church.
Kelciey Leighanne Anderson was married to Brian Joseph Petter at St. Mary's and they really make a great looking couple.

Tokio Store is having a music-packed Saturday as they present "Bowleg Billy" followed by "Jeremy Lynn Woodall."...hot dang.. No cover for Bowleg but $5 for Jeremy. Nors Sausage and Burger House is having an all you can eat catfish this Friday and Saturday is rib-eye night.
St. Mary's had the Drive Through Stations of the Cross. I have pictures this time..(taken by Larry Knapek)
We had 5 deaths and since most were old farts that had lived a good life it's not so sad. But we had a 28 year old that was hit by a car and killed. Especially sad as he served 6 years in the military and was in Iraq from 2002-2005..
The Slovak Realty squad placed second in the T-Ball division this past weekend. The Young Guns won the championship
in the age 12 and under minor baseball tourney. While the Cernosek Insurance team placed second in the Girls T-Ball Division.

Trojans open 7-AAA serious with 2 wins. 22-4 over Hillsboro and 9-3 over China Springs. The Lady Trojans beat China Springs 5-4 and Hillsboro in a 5 inning game on the 10-run mercy rule with a 9-1 win.
West Food Mart has shank ham on sale for $1.39 a pound so I bought one. Going to put hot dry rub on it and make spicy pulled pork..I also got 2 cutlets and will make chicken friend steak for Babs and I...I love chicken fried steak..Blue Bell 2 for $8...sigh*... Community Grocery has New York Strip Steaks for $3.99 a pound..hmmm..
Brick house for sale on Harrison Street..which is a stretch of nothing but new brick homes. 3/2.5/2 with 2,868 sq. feet. Large master with private fireplace and central vacuum system for $259,900. Anyone a RN or LVN/RN? We have openings here and at Hillsboro which is 15 miles away. They have openings for Core Measure Data Abstractor, Intection Control Practitioner and weekend supervisor for 8 hour shifts. Plus Czech Stop is always hiring.
Other news has been fun...or not depending..Anessa called. Her middle kid was in a fist fight and was getting the better of the fight and the other kid pulled a knife and stabbed him. Not good. He's still in the hospital but he's going to be ok. The apartments have been selling for months now..everyone knows about it..Will probably go through about mid summer. So Tony (lives over by Babs) is 173 years old and the biggest gossip in the apartments and he goes to Babs and says the apartments are sold and Charlotte is fired. Hmm...So I call Charlotte on a pretext of where you been haven't seen you are you sick?..She's fine..lost her wallet had to go around getting her new drivers license, SS card, etc. So I sezs to Babs..nah...she's still with us. So today (Babs and I are so evil) we're coming back from getting West News and some groceries and we see Charlotte at the apartments by Babs (actually she was yelling at me to slow down..speed limit is 15 and I usually go about 30) so I sezs to Babs..wonder if Charlotte has heard the gossip?...So we go tell her..and Tony just happens to be outside clucking with one of the neighbors..I sezs..'there he is..you should go find out where he's getting his information.' Then we go unload the truck of Babs diet Cherry Dr Pepper and watch Charlotte ream Tony's ass. We were laughing so hard we could hardly walk. Tony is now pissed at us because we ratted him out. We laughed and told him that's what he gets for telling tales. 3 hours later and Babs and I are still giggling about it. Life is good...