he spends half the day figuring out different ways to attack my hands and feet while I am reading or doing my crossword puzzles.


He loves for me to toss the new throw I got for Christmas on top of him and then he attacks my hands and feet and then walks off with the blanket still on him.

I smell feet...

pouncing on the count of 1..2..3..he drags my houseslippers and socks from the bedroom and then guards them from me

every now and then he rediscovers the ceiling...if you can see on the back of the tree, it's not decorated at all..he knocks all of them down as he has direct access from the railing.
this is him staring me down while on the computer...wish you could see the dead ends of my aloe vera plant that he has kilt..
if I pick up all his toys and put them in that basket, he tips it over and drags everything out all over the floor. He alsolutely loves the netting and the toilet paper. I finally picked the toilet paper up and flushed it down the toilet. I had put it in the trash and he'd just drag it back out..He also stole the 2 toys I had bought for Babs 2 kitteh's...I had them in a sack in the back of the closet and he'd go and get them out and put them in his basket. Not into sharing at all

Oh...hands for dinner. When I say he attacks and bites I don't mean little kitteh nips I mean grab you and bite to the bone if he can get a good grip.
i'm not sure what the fuck is up with blogger, but if you click on the pictures that are blank, they will show up...sigh*
I figured out to click the picture all by myself. Surprised myself.
Only problem is now I will have nightmares of a great beast with glowing laser shooting eyes.
I suspect Dexter is just "warming up" in 2009 and his real mayhem will start in 2010. Save yourself!
I've been taking down the decorations, the tree etc. he's going nuts..found all his mice and lids to the water bottles that he loves to play with..his eyes are the size of saucers..and i swear they are glowing..he's mad..mad i tell you..mad..
I'm really not a cat person,but I love Dexter.
i think he is gorgeous!!!he probably knows it too LOL
Love Cats with attitude :)
It takes a while to break in a staff, but he seems to be doing a good job.
He is really a gorgeous cat. I can see why you fell under his spell.
he knows his name...he'll be in the other room and i'll say 'dexter' and he comes running in like 'what? I didnt do anything.'
i knew he was the cat for me when i saw him throw a arm lock around lulu's head and flip her off the couch..any cat that can take down a dog is ok in my book.
DEXTER RULES!!!! Today West - tomorrow the World!
i think dexter might be ruby's half brother by the way they both destroy stuff.
The world is a big box of cat toys.
willym:I fear for the universe..
billy:he acts like a pitty bull dog sometimes..they could be kin..
blueberry:isn't that the truth. everything in the apt is his toy.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year YD! Your cat kills me. Luckily my two cats have been vrey good about leaving the tree alone but I did find a broken, vintage ball in the corner where it died a painful death.
I'm so glad Dexter found you!
Hmmm... maybe if you get a bunch of velcro from the Family Dollar you can make him little stick to the ceiling booties...
Just so he can make a mess up there too!
Love all the photos!!!
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