Yes, today is Bab's birthday..she's the big 40.... by and wish her a big ole Happy Birthday)
I was going to take her to Hillsboro to the Far Out Baths and what ever, but she decided she wanted to shop here in West. So first I took her for lunch at Pizza House. She had bacon cheeseburger and fries and I had hot wings and skunk egg which is low enough in carbs that we could walk next door(our exercise) and get a kolache. OH FUCK they were so good..I got the pecan pie with cream cheese kolache. I don't even know what Babs got, one I saw the pp cc kolache I sort of zoned out. Then we went to $General where she got some bath wash that she likes and some other stuff. Then we stooped by the saddle shop (oh man I love the smell of leather) and I bought her a Pina Colada Candle which smells so much like a Pina Colada you want to drink it. Then Babs found the cheap shit room and I bought her 4 #17 little race cars and me a pondering dragon and a cheap flute. Then we went to Family Dollar and harassed Michelle as Inky wasn't there for us to harass him. Babs had got the Paranormal DVD from Netflex and we watched it.. Holy shit!..That is one spooky movie. We even watched the alternative ending which we didn't like at all. But that is my idea of a spooky movie. No blood and guts just lots of terror. Then because it was only 4:30 we decided to go to House of Satan and do a little shopping while they put a new battery on the truck. Well, he said he wasn't going to just sell me a battery they wanted to run a test on it and see what it was before they sold
me a battery. Good thing I listened to him( I thought he was trying to figure out a way to pad the bill). They ran a full engine check on the truck...............and....You're not going to fucking believe this. There is nothing wrong with the battery. It's a 57 month batter and only has 31 months on it. There is nothing wrong with the alternator or anything wrong at all. The problem? I don't drive it enough to keep the alternator charged up to turn the battery and truck over. So I looked at him for a minute and said "So basically the truck is like the's not getting enough action ." The 2 guys broke up laughing. So I need to drive the truck more. He said he knew what the problem was when I said I can fill the truck up and drive for 3 months on a full tank of gas. So me and the ole truck need to get laid. Wonder if it will want a beer and a cigarette afterwards? Oh and there was NO CHARGE..

Babs and I did all our shopping and I got everything but the husks for the tamales..sold plum out. Jamie is coming over Sunday for breakfast and then we're going to make green chili turkey tamales and watch the Cowboys hopefully kick the living shit out of Philadelphia, 'cause you know I hates them fucking Eagles. If we beat the Eagles we win the division. I can't even remember the last time we won our division. I think I still drank...
Well, that's all the news that's fit to print. I'm thinking it's New Year's Eve....there will be a bunch of drunks out...maybe I can find someone to charge my to speak..
Hey, good news about your truck! And Babs is just a baby -- 40! Psshht!
Happy mothafkn' New Year!!!
AWESOME news about the truck. I really laughed reading about it. ;-)
40?!?!? Seriously?!?!? that was so long ago I don't even remember it!
I forgot Bab's birthday again. Damn!
40 now. That feels like the dark ages to me even though it was only 13+ years ago for me.
Sounds like you two had a good time though Inkey not being there must have brought things down a little.
You can get a battery charger pretty cheap now. The newer ones are actually batteries. I trust the ones that plug in more. Amadeus has the best way to do it though. Just start it and let it run a couple times a week.
Maybe if I hadn't sent you all those sex jokes in the Email you wouldn't need your battery charged.
I say you need to take Babs and go on more road trips! Think Thelma and Louise, only without the cliff jumping. =)
40 eh? Tell Babs she needs to watch the cheeseburgers now that she's 40. Seriously. I know I'm only 41 but it seems like every cheeseburger I ever ate found me this year.
Happy Birthday to Babs! You are so sweet.
Ahh.. that's most excellent news about your truck!! Well 'cept the part where it needs to "get more"...
Maybe you need to drive to the house of satan and just heckle folks once every couple weeks or so... Do the truck good - and who knows - you might meet someone :)
...I mean other than the greeter dude..
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