it's 3:44 and I'm still wide awake..finished my Molly Ivins book and started on the Paul Newman book and I am full of enchiladas and diet ginger ale. But sleep is not coming.
So I thought maybe I'd play some games on pogo and maybe get sleepy..but first, had to check my emails...Had one about the Dallas Cowboys and my Friday message from the Universe. I love my messages from the Universe on Friday's...but this one maybe my favorite one yet. Mainly because when I finished the Molly book I wept a little for the loss of such a wonderful person. She's who I wanted to be and she's gone. Will soon be 2 years and I still feel like someone one in my family died and I'm still in mourning.
Did you know, jackiesue, that every time you cry there, harps go quiet here, angels stop dancing, and the stars look down in stunned silence?Which is why we often say, "If jackiesue ain't happy, ain't no one happy."
You are loved, The Universe
You are loved, The Universe
Something to always keep in the back of your mind: WWMD
What Would Molly Do?
Hmmm... Maybe Paul Newman sent you that perfume...
thank's for stopping by :)
Have to check out message from the universe, looks like something i need once in a while
you can sign up and get your own message from the universe..they have cheered up my friday more than once.
I have been getting the universe about as long as I've known you but I get it 5 days a week. Mine said the same thing.
Made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Nitty:i used it get it 5 days a week too, but i sort of took it for granted..now i appreaciate it more on fridays..
Sounds like you've got a Direct Line to Somebody!
Oh that is a sweet saying from the universe..love it!
so you got that going for you too, which is nicer than nice.
Thanks for the link. Must sign on.
i love getting my message from the universe.plus they have great ecards..i send them for birthdays all the time..check it out..
That picture reminds me of a shirt my buddy used to have when I was a kid.
Sorry, but I'm a swipin' it.
I want the universe to love me to!..Thanks for the link.
Nice to know!
Nice message from the Universe!
check out their cards ..they really are great..
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