(Peter Baker..the Washington Post)Washington-At the nadir of his presidency, George W. Bush is looking for answers. One at a time or in small groups, he summons leading authors, historians and theologians to the White
House to join him in the search.(give me a ring, George...I'll fill you in on that little matter)
Over sodas and sparkling water, he asks his questions:What is the nature of good and evil in the post-Sept.11 world? What lessons does history have for a president facing the turmoil I'm facing? How will history judge what we've done? (harshly..asshole...very harshly)Why does the rest of the world seem to hate America? Or is it just me they hat
e?(I think that's pretty well established...they hate you...isn't my picture they are burning in the streets) These are the questions of a president who has endured the most drastic political collapse in a generation.Not generally known for intellectual curiosity, (no shit)Mr. Bush is seeking out those who are, embarking on an exploration of the currents of history that have swept up his administration. For all the setbacks, he remains unflinching rarely expressing doubt in his direction yet trying to understand how he got off course.(Judas fucking priest..listen to what 60 percent of the country is trying to tell you, and you might get out of this with both balls)
These sessions, usually held in the elegant living areas of the executive mansion, are never
listed on the president's public schedule and remain largely unknown even to many on his staff.To some of those invited to talk, Mr. Bush seems alone, isolated by events beyond his control,taking their leave and friends turning on him.(think that's the rats leaving the ship)
Burdened by an unrelenting war, challenged by an opposition Congress, defeated just last week on immigration, his last major
domestic priority, Mr. Bush remains largely locked inside the fortress of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in the seventh year of a presidency turned sour. Mr.Bush is fixated on Iraq, according to friends and advisers.One former aide went to see him recently to discuss various matters, only to find the president turning the conversation back to Iraq again and again.he recognizes that his presidency hinges on whether Iraq can be turned around in 18 months."Nothing matters except the war,"said one person close to Mr. Bush."That's all that matters. The whole thing rides on that."(well, your truly fucked cowboy...you backed the wrong horse in this race.)
And yet Mr. Bush does not come across like a man lamenting his plight.(he's to stupid to get it)In public and in private, according to intimates, he exhibits an inexorable upbeat energy that defies the political storms.(it's called denial....and he is the King of denial)
"You don't get any feeling of somebody crouching down in the bunker,"said Irwin Stelzer, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute who was part of one group of scholars who met with Mr. Bush."This is either extraordinary self-confidence or out of touch with reality.I can't tell you which."..(gee...you think it just might be both...never admitting your wrong means you are always right.)
Mr.Bush has virtually given up on winning converts while in office and instead is counting on vindication after he is dead.(sooner rather then later..thank you very much)"He almost has..a sense of fatalism," said Rep.Peter King R-N.Y.,who recently spent a day traveling with Mr. Bush."All he can do is do his best, and 100 years from now people will decide if he was right or wrong.It doesn't seem to be a false, macho pride or living in your own world.I find him to be amazingly calm."(well, of course dipshit..that is a sign of detachment caused by being out of touch with reality.)
The fabled loyalty of the Bush team, though,has frayed far more than might be apparent to him.The fight over whether Attorney General Al
Gonzales should remain attorney general has exposed a deep fault line. Mr. Bush remains convinced that his old friend did nothing wrong ethically in firing U.S. attorneys, according to White House officials.Yet beyond the inner circle, it is hard to find a current or former administration official who thinks Mr. Gonzales should stay.
Some aides see it as Mr. Bush refusing to accept reality(duh)"The president thinks cutting and running on his friends shows weakness," said an exasperated senior official.
Beyond Mr. Gonzales, the grievance against the Bush presidency is broader and deeper among Republican lawmakers,some of whom seethe with anger."Our members just wish this thing would be over," said a senior House Republican who met with Mr. Bush recently. "People are tired of him."(gee and those are the ones that voted for him....imagine how all of us who think he stole the election feel.)
A group of moderate Hose Republicans bluntly told Mr.Bush during a recent White House meeting that he had became a drag on the party.(where upon...Bush started singing.."It's my party and I'll drag it down if I wanna...")
After reading Andrew Roberts' A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLES SINCE 1900,Mr. Bush brought in the author and a dozen other scholars to talk about the lessons."What can I learn from history?" Mr. Bush asked the author, according to Mr. Stelzer, the Hudson Institute scholar, who participated.
Mr. Stelzer said that Mr. Bush seemed smarter than he expected. "He asked me,'Do you think our unpopularity abroad is a result of my personality?" And he laughed," Mr. Stelzer recalled, "I said,'In part.' And he laughed again.(yeah, out of touch alright)
Someone needs to tell ole George..ya ain't wearing no drawers buddy....
What is horrible about the description of this man?....He's our president...
fuckme..I'll never vote again.