I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


OK...did no one get this? was i too subtle? did i make it not clear? the epicenter of the earthquake over john wayne's grave during the premier of Breakback mountain....was a joke folks...as to john wayne is turning over in his grave because there is a gay cowboy movie being premiered....get it...(smacks forhead with palm of hand)..well..maybe it wasent as funny as i thought..fuckyou...


Anonymous said...

lol. you're right i didn't get it. doh!


Cassandra said...

I Be ssssssssssssssstuipd.

soonerfan78 said...

I got it, I doubt my father (rip) would watch that movie, he loved John Wayne, men that drank and smoked and were made of iron and punched each other in the throat, men that duct-taped severed limbs and worked 24/7 and ate meat and freid stuff and drank coffee and then drank whiskey until they exploded.

Anonymous said...

John Wayne had some nice legs. LOL

yellowdoggranny said...

he might have had nice legs..but he had the tinest feet..i saw his feet prints in hollywood at the chinese movie place? and i swear they were like a size 71/2..weird..but i bet he was spinning in his grave when that movie came out...kissing cowboys and it wasent a horse..oh my goddess...dont you know he is having a shit fit somewhere.?

saadhaifaa said...

فى المقال ده عن دولة جورجيا اللاجنبيه هاتعرف نوعية الترفيه الموجوده فى كل مدينه من مدنها وليه هاتكون خيار ممتاز لسياحه ممتعه واجازه مريحه تفصل فيها وترجع بكامل طاقتك وهل فيها بس ترفيه ولاممكن تلاقى مناطق سياحات مختلفه زى العلاجيه الجسديه فى الكهوف وغيره او السياحات للمناظر الطبيعيه لرؤية الخضره والطبيعه والحدائق المختلفه والامطار الموجوده طول السنه بدون انقطاع ولا ترفيه وملاهى وتزحلق على الجليد وكمان اثار عريقة
الموضوع شامل كل المعلومات اللى عاوز تعرفها عن طبيعة الطقس والمنحنيات فى كل مدينه واماكن الجبال
لكل محبين كل انواع السياحه هايلاقوا تفصيل وتقسيم لاماكن كل تفضيلاتهم لاختيار سهل ممتع واستغلال جيد للرحله
أشهر المعالم السياحية في جورجيا

افلام اون لاين said...

السينما للجميع

افلام اكشن

ماي ايجي