"My God is good.Bin Laden's God is bad.His is a bad God. Saddam's God was bad except he didn't have one. he was a barbarian. We are not barbarians." harold pinter, winner of this year's nobel prize for literatrue, parodying President Bush in his nobel speech.:....
heehee..got ta loveit..
in a letter to the dallas am editorial page from the Biloxi Mississippi Sun Herald...
"Just weeks after Hurricane Katrina stormed ashore in south mississippi, president bush made a personal pledge taht the federal government would be a partner in the effort to rebuild our lives and our communities..now, months later, it is time for the president to renew that commitment...
the most pressing need for homeowners..is for the federal government to provide some means for them to rebuild their lives and property. Several proposals have been put forward,(but) the president has yet to endore, much less champion, any of these efforts. Yet, just last week, officials in his administration proposed that congress appropriate nearly $4 billion more to help rebuild the lives and property of Iraq. That figure was like a slap in the face to residents of south mississippi, because it is almost exactly the amount of money that Gov. Haley Barbour estimates would be needed to assist south mississippians who lived outside the flood plain but whose homes were damaged or destroyed by Katrina's storm surge..."
fuck me till they name a hurricane after me..
what a difference thousands of miles make..
unions protest ferries use of low paid workers..
70,000 union members brought irish cities to a standstill friday to protest a plan to replace ferry workers with low-paid eastern europeans ..they waved flags, banged drums, blew whistles, sang 1960's protest songs and held placards taht read "no slave ships on irish seas"...the company irish ferries recently began introducing laborers mostly from latvia working for $4.25 an hour, less than half of irelands minimum wage..union chiefs seized two of the company's four ships, forcing services to shut down at an estimated loss of $2.5 million a day....
mean while in china......
at least 10 chinese killed during social protest...armed with guns and shields, hundreds of riot police sealed off a southern chinese village after fatally shooting as many as 10 demonstrators and were searching for the protest organizers, villiagers said friday..It was the deadliest known use of force by security forces againsst chineses civilians since the killings around Tiananmen square in the social protests taht have convulsed the chinese countryside..
fuck me til i kow tow
1 comment:
Now if only America would wake up and march on the President......
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